
Jemal Countess/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Every Mom Can Relate To Amy Schumer's First Baby Bathtime Pic

by Jen McGuire

Amy Schumer welcomed her first child with husband Chris Fischer earlier this month and the birth was honestly a gift from the gods. Not that I'm obsessed with her baby or anything (I mean, I'm sure he's great of course but I have a sneaking suspicion we will never meet), but because now we are all getting blessed by her pitch perfect take on parenting (for free via social media which is the best way). Her most recent adventure? Schumer shared her son's "first bath" pic, and it is exactly the kind of wet, sloppy mess all new parents know so well.

The I Feel Pretty actress and her husband, chef Chris Fischer, welcomed baby boy Gene Attell Fischer on May 5. Since then Schumer has been keeping us all pretty entertained, not to mention well informed, of her jouney as a new mother... much as she did throughout her pregnancy, when she suffered quite severely from hyperemesis gravidarum, a kind of severe morning sickness that can leave pregnant women dehydrated from vomiting so much. Schumer ended up in the hospital, as reported by HuffPost, but she kept her sense of humor throughout the ordeal. Now that her son has arrived she has a whole new slew of material. Her latest? Gene's first bath.

Amy Schumer/Instagram

Schumer shared a picture of herself with husband Fischer and baby Gene, apparently post-baby bath. Both she and Fischer are wearing soaked clothes while Gene is wrapped in a towel looking content and drinking a bottle. She captioned the photo "First bath no problem," and it doesn't look like it was a problem... for Gene, at least. It remains a mystery to me even after four children how a person that small can cause so much chaos with bath water. But they're cute so it's all fine.

It's been a busy week of first for the new mom. She and Fischer have now been inaugurated into the baby bathing club, wet clothes and all, and Amy Schumer has also been introduced to another club that is significantly less appealing. The mom-shaming club. When her son was two weeks old she shared a picture of herself doing a stand-up routine at The Comedy Cellar and the pearl-clutchers of the internet shared a collective gasp of horror.

As Refinery 29 reported, social media users blasted her on Instagram with comments like, "Didn't you birth a human like 5 minutes ago?" and ""Already???? That’s insane!!! And inhumane. Contract or not you need to be allowed at least 6 weeks for maternity." If the trolls thought they would upset Schumer, they clearly don't pay close attention to her comedy. She wrote in response, "I've always wanted to be mom-shamed!" Then the next day she shared a picture of herself pumping breast milk with the caption, "Sending out love to the moms shaming me for doing standup last night!"

This is the thing Amy Schumer can teach all of us about parenting. Humor is key. Whether you're getting mom-shamed by nosy parkers or trying to bathe a tiny baby who suddenly has the splashing capacity of a breaching whale. You deal with it, you laugh it off. And you move on.

Slow claps all around.