
Moms Will Love This Hip Gender-Neutral Baby & Kids Line For Their A+ Message

by Caroline Hogeveen

When my dear friend announced she wasn't going to find out the sex of her baby until their birth, I had two thoughts: Wow, she's more patient than I am, and shopping's going to be difficult. Most kid's clothing stores are divided down the middle, with a blue and gray filled boys' section, and a pink and glitter filled girls' section. While those outfits are undeniably sweet, what about the parents (and children) who aren't into that? Enter Bash + Sass, the adorable gender-neutral clothing line that's sailing away from the traditional sea of pink and blue.

Bash & Sass was created for the "little minimalists" of the world, from ages six months to 12 years old. The "made for play" pieces are inspired by urban street style and culture, according to the brand's website: simple with an edgy look, says Irene Lee, the brand's founder and creative director.

One quick look at their website and you'll see that Bash + Sass is not your typical children's clothing line, a fact that the brand prides itself on. For Lee, there are two factors that differentiate their line from anything else.

First, of course, is the brand's gender-neutral style. "I think it's important to give kids choices. Clothing is a way for anyone, adult or child, to express and feel good about themselves. There are plenty of girl and boy-centric options out there but they might not be what every kid wants," Lee explains, and her personal taste is proof of that. "I know for me, I don’t prefer adult styles that are extremely feminine and appreciate that women have a wide range of designs to choose from. Why shouldn't kids’ clothing be the same?" And while the neutral color palette (black, navy, white, and grey) have been well represented so far, get ready to see some color (sage and mauve) next year.

Another ingenious aspect of the Bash + Sass line are the "monsters with a meaning" that you'll see emblazoned on different pieces. The three monsters are lovingly named Babu, Breeze, and Boom. "Each collection introduces a monster that embodies a specific social value or characteristic that we believe is important for big and little kids to acknowledge and share," Lee says. "With today’s social and political climate, I think it’s important to start teaching kids at a young age about self-confidence, helping others and being proud of who they are no matter their skin color, gender or family makeup."

Collection I features Babu, the symbol of optimism. Babu's wish is "to share this positive energy to help friends see the good in people and situations." Collection II introduces Breeze, the monster representing patience who believes "a calm mind is the ultimate force against strong challenges." The newest monster for Collection III, Boom, exudes the power of confidence. Boom "values his self-worth, has strong radars between right and wrong and leads others to carve a positive path." Your child will love rocking a super cool monster on their clothing, while simultaneously learning about the principles and beliefs that they embody.

For Lee, creating Bash + Sass was a leap of faith that was inspired by the birth of her own two children. "Becoming a mama really pushed me to make the jump. I left the corporate world (most recently working for Google) to carve a new career path that allows me the flexibility to spend time with my growing family. I wanted to do something creative on my own that I felt passionate about." Lee explains. "It’s beyond rewarding to work really hard at something so personal and know that it’s teaching and setting an example for my kids to go after their own dreams."

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