
Becca Opened Up About Her Dad's Death On 'The Bachelor'
It wasn't until the second week on The Bachelor that viewers got to learn a little bit more about Becca K., the contestant who made Arie get down on one knee as soon as she met him. But the more I know about her and everything she's been through, the more I'm rooting for her. In fact, Becca opened up about her dad's death on The Bachelor during her first date with Arie, and I think even that brief moment helped to bring them closer together. She definitely seems like a keeper to me.
The second episode started with the first one-on-one date of the season. And Arie picked Becca. The date started right off with a Pretty Woman segment, in which Arie introduced Becca to Rachel Zoe, and they played the sparkliest version of dress-up that I've ever seen in my life. Becca ended the date with a new pair of Louboutins, a Rachel Zoe dress she may or may not have gotten to keep, but which she definitely wore on the date, and lots of Neil Lane jewelry just to complete the effect. It was... a lot. But all of this extravagance was just a preamble to the dinner date later in the evening.
After a quick costume change, Becca meets Arie at what I am assuming is a restaurant because there's food, though of course they don't eat it. Then the conversation turns serious pretty much right away. Becca thus far seemed really cool — like the type of person I might be friends with, but she hadn't revealed too much about herself as of yet. That's when she drops the bomb that she'd been in an on-again off-again relationship for seven years. When Arie naturally follows up on that comment, Becca drops an even bigger piece of information about her dad.
Becca explains that she was with this mystery guy for so long because he helped her get through the worst time in her life. That was when her father died of brain cancer when she was very young. She tells Arie that her dad was diagnosed when she was 14, but her family was lucky enough to get five more years with him. It was a really serious moment, especially for a first date. Although to be honest, first dates on The Bachelor tend to be way more serious than any first date I've ever been on in real life.
Although maybe it's a bit early even for Bachelor Nation. The date already had people on Twitter speculating that Becca K. was going to win the whole shebang. After all, you don't go all out and Cinderella a girl you're just medium interested in on the first date. Becca's extravagant date and their meaningful heart-to-heart definitely had people wondering if these two are end-game. Although keep in mind, Arie has said multiple times that he fell in love with two women on the show. I'm sorry but I think at least one of them has to be Becca.
It's obviously way too early in the game to predict with any sort of accuracy who is going to walk away with an engagement at the end of this. Not that people don't try, of course. Jimmy Kimmel, for example, predicted on air who he thought was going to win Arie's heart in the end. Kimmel said Becca K., for the record, would walk away with that coveted final rose. And to be honest, I've never hoped for him to be more right.
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