
Ben Sends Jubilee Home On 'The Bachelor,' And It's Heartbreaking For Everyone
On this week's installment of The Bachelor, Ben finally reached a breaking point with Jubilee's distance and resistance to being vulnerable. Ben sent Jubilee home from The Bachelor in a shocking one-on-one moment. She asked for some reassurance on the group date that he believed they could work as a couple, but Ben, heartbreakingly, had to tell her that he didn't see a future with her. She was eliminated before the group date even ended, and failed to make it to the rose ceremony.
Jubilee admitted feeling uncomfortable pitted against other women, and nothing made that clearer than the Spanish lesson that took place on this week's group date in Mexico. Jubilee was not into Ben's multi-lingual admission of love, considering he had spoken the exact same phrase to four other women right before her, which she promptly called him out on. The other women seemed baffled by her "attitude," but sadly, Jubilee didn't ease into her surroundings as the cocktail party approached.
In an effort to pull her aside for some one-on-one time, Ben offered Jubilee his hand, and she rejected it. As Jubilee explained, she didn't want to be the object of scrutiny by the other women for "flaunting" her affection with Ben.
Whether or not this fear was warranted, Ben took offense to Jubilee rejecting his affection, and ultimately confessed his belief that they'd never be able to progress as a couple if Jubilee refused to let her guard down with him.
After her exit, Ben returned to the cocktail party to explain what went down to the other women. JoJo, immediately sensing his pain, whisked him away to help him process the breakup, with a seemingly genuine investment in both Jubilee and Ben's feelings. And JoJo wasn't the only one disappointed by the breakup...
She may not have received another rose, but it seems pretty clear that Jubilee was a serious contender for fan favorite. Perhaps The Bachelorette could be in her future?