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Celebrate Bi Visibility Day 2019 With These 10 Tweets That Smash Stereotypes

by Christina Montoya Fiedler

It might be the first day of fall, but it's also Bi Visibility Day, aka International Celebrate Bisexuality Day, an event that was first recognized in 1999 on Sept. 23. And in tribute to Bi Visibility Day 2019, here are 10 tweets that combat harmful stereotypes and promote equality for all.

Bi Visibility Day emphasizes change through attention to and celebration of the bisexual community. Together, people are called upon to break harmful stereotypes surrounding people who identify as bisexual, which is a very important cause. And although Sept. 23 is officially Bi Visibility Day, it also kicks off Bisexual Awareness Week, which ends on Sept. 27 with special events happening in every major city.

It goes without saying Bi Visibility Day is important, especially since a large of a segment of the population identifies as bi. In fact, about forty percent of the LBGT community identify as bisexual, according to The Pew Research Center.

And in case you don't know already, a person who identifies as bisexual is "someone who can be attracted to more than one gender," according to the Human Rights Campaign, which also recognizes that "adults and youth who identify as bisexual sometimes describe themselves differently."

Robyn Ochs, national speaker and award-winning activist, summed it up well, stating, according to Refinery29: "I call myself bisexual because I acknowledge that I have in myself the potential to be attracted - romantically and/or sexually - to people of more than one sex and/or gender, not necessarily at the same time, not necessarily in the same way, and not necessarily to the same degree."

Whether you identify as bisexual or know someone who does, there's a good chance you'll be inspired by these 10 tweets celebrating Bi Visibility Day, especially where it concerns combatting stereotypes.

It's Not A Phase

People who identify as bisexual often face discrimination in the form of stereotypes. This Twitter user reminds people that "it's not a phase, its not selfish, it's not flip floppy, and its not gender exclusive."


Celebrating Bisexual Friends & Family

This tweet is a reminder that bisexuality doesn't just turn off when you get married or enter a committed relationship. It's also highlights the respect your partner deserves if they identify as bisexual.

P.S. This guy's wife seems amazing.

"Bisexuality Means I'm Free"

June Jordan was a poet, essayist, teacher, and activist who promoted discussion about gender, race, immigration, and representation through her work, according to And she made an important point when she talked about freedom in the context of bisexuality — it doesn't have limitations, despite what some people might think.

Attraction Isn't Math

There's this common misconception that people who identify as bi are split down the middle when it comes to sexual preference. Nope, it's not that simple — every person is unique.

Stereotypes Have Consequences

As this Twitter user pointed out, the stereotype that people who identify as bi are somehow "promiscuous" can lead to serious consequences. And although every person has the right to have as many sexual partners as they personally see fit, it's not cool to make assumptions about another person's sex life. Ever.

Ending Biphobia Through Education

This poster reminds us that judgment hurts. So,think before you make blanket statements, and it's okay to ask questions within the scope of another person's comfortability, of course. Positive change can occur when we make an effort to understand and respect the LBGTQ community.

The Journey To Self-Acceptance Can Be Complicated

One Twitter user opened up about her own experience with stereotypes, noting how they struggled to come out due to thinking the bisexual label translated to "confusion" and "untrustworthiness."

Things have since changed, however, with the user noting: "But over the last couple of years, I’ve really begun to find community and power in the bisexual label. But I realize I haven’t been public about it. Because it’s complicated. Because I spent years denying it. Because I don’t want my family to think I’m 'coming to my senses.'"

They continued, "But I also want to be visible. So, on #BiVisibilityDay, I want to say that I identify as a bisexual queer. Love to all my fellow bi’s. We are beautiful and we are powerful."

No, People Who Identify As Bi Aren't "Greedy"

It sucks this has to be said, but people who identify as bi aren't greedy. Saying so devalues their personal experiences and romantic connections... not to mention, it doesn't even make sense.

Experience Doesn't Negate Identity

As writer and cartoonist Kate Leth aptly said, "sexuality is attraction, not action; experience or lack thereof doesn’t negate your identity."

Finally, Some People Had Jokes