
Monty Brinton/CBS

'Big Brother 21' Twitter Accounts To Keep You Busy Between Episodes

by Chrissy Bobic
Originally Published: 

Before each season of Big Brother, it’s always helpful to scour each houseguest’s social media accounts to get a feel for them and get to know them before you start watching them on a show that streams their every movement 24 hours a day. This year, however, most of the cast’s Instagrams are set to private to prevent some of that, so these Big Brother 21 Twitter accounts can be followed instead to keep up with contestants whose families took over their accounts to keep fans in the know. Or, you can just scroll through your favorite new houseguest’s Twitter and get to know them a little better outside of the show.

Unfortunately, not all of the Big Brother 21 houseguests have Twitter accounts, or you have to wait to be accepted as a follower to really see anything. But there are some Twitter accounts you can look at right now to get a better feel for who you might want to root for this season. Maybe Ovi didn’t get the chance to let enough of his personality shine in the season premiere, but his Twitter makes you want to root for him. Or Kathryn had just the right amount of enthusiasm and now you basically need to follow her on all social media platforms.

Whatever you reason for wanting to follow Big Brother 21 houseguests on Twitter, you can do that right now with some of them.

Holly Allen

Monty Brinton/CBS

Holly hasn’t tweeted anything since 2018, but now that she is on Big Brother, there’s a chance that her family or friends might take over the account for fans’ sake.

Tommy Bracco

Monty Brinton/CBS

Since Tommy was a Broadway performer before he was ever a Big Brother 21 contestant, it’s no big surprise that his Twitter account is active. Unfortunately, you have to follow him and be accepted as a follower to actually see any of his tweets.

Ovi Kabir

Monty Brinton/CBS

Ovi’s Twitter account is also set to private, but his bio describes him as "father to two orange Crocs" and it’s pretty endearing.

Nick Maccarone

Monty Brinton/CBS

Nick’s Twitter account might be private at the moment, but he has more than 11,000 tweets, so he’s likely pretty active on the social media platform.

Jackson Michie

Monty Brinton/CBS

It’s unclear if Jackson’s Twitter account was up and running before he began his time as a Big Brother 21 houseguest, but right now, it is a family run account.

Analyse Talavera

Monty Brinton/CBS

What seems to be Analyse’s Twitter account only has two tweets from back in 2013. Judging by how inactive it is, it’s unlikely that friends or family will take it over, even if she is about to become a reality TV star.

Kathryn Dunn

Monty Brinton/CBS

Unfortunately, Kathryn’s Twitter account is set to private. She does already have more than 17,000 followers, though, so chances are, she has been pretty active on it over the years.

Jessica Milagros

Monty Brinton/CBS

What appears to be Jessica’s Twitter account may be run by family or friends right now, but whoever is tweeting on her behalf has chosen to write from her perspective.

Cliff Hogg

Monty Brinton/CBS

Because what looks like Cliff’s Twitter account seems to be pretty new, it is not yet confirmed if it’s his, and you will need to follow him to see any of the tweets.

Until each houseguest is sent home or until the season ends, fans might not be able to see much social media content from them. This is likely in an effort to keep spoilers from leaking, which is understandable. In past seasons, it was typically a free for all, but unfortunately for fans, this season the show seems to be cracking down on social media revealing too much too soon.

But if any of these Big Brother 21 Twitter accounts are being run by close friends or family of the houseguests, then you will likely be able to follow them once you are approved.

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