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Americans Want To Know The Easiest Way To Watch Democracy In Action

by Becca Bleznak

Welcome to the day of the 2018 U.S. midterm elections. Chances are, you've been inundated with texts from local representatives taking a position on propositions, celebrities sharing their absentee ballots on Instagram, and relatives on Facebook simply telling you to get out and vote. So you've done your civic duty and joined the masses, sharing a pic of you and your "I Voted" sticker. Now that you're sitting at home, can you stream the midterm voting results? After all, our tech-savvy world has gotten us to this place. You shouldn't need cable to watch it all unfold.

And fortunately, you don't. Your tablet, phone, or computer will suffice when it comes to seeing the results of what is being billed as the most important midterm election in history. All of the major networks have options for streaming, it just depends how early you want to start watching.

Eager to watch the results pour in right away? ABC News Live and the ABC News app allow you to stream through your preferred smart TV or online beginning at 4:30 p.m. ET. Both CBS and CNN's election streams start shortly thereafter at 5 p.m. I wouldn't recommend it but you can also tune into FoxNews.com or the Fox News App beginning at 6 p.m.

And if you want to wait until after dinner and putting the kids to bed, you can get started around 8 with C-SPAN, NBC, or the social media channels of good ol' PBS.

For those looking for an ~alternative~ method of coverage, there are streaming options there, too. Bloomberg anchor David Westin is hosting for the business-focused network. And for those who are glued to their phones, there's exclusive Snapchat election coverage from its channel Good Luck America.

Now that I've answered the "what," "when," and "how," let's get to the "why." As in, why this election matters so much. If you spend any time at all on the internet (which you clearly do), you know that a lot of people are very angry with the way the current administration is being run. Midterm elections are focused on enacting change at a local and state level. Yes, you're electing some representatives who will go in and help make decisions that effect our entire country. But you're also doing something arguably bigger — enacting change in your community. This can include everything from altering rent-control laws, to keeping toxins out of drinking water, to securing road safety measures. These are the issues that are important in your day-to-day life, and your vote will help shape that.

So even though I'm not here to answer the "who," I will say that, as corny as it sounds, every vote counts. Making a difference in your town and state is an important part of being a citizen of this country. But you already know that. Now that you've already cast your vote, it's time to sit back on the couch with your preferred streaming device, and maybe a snack or two, and see democracy in action.