
Chris Hemsworth Made His Daughter A Birthday Cake, & 4 Other Times He Was An Adorable Dad
Chris Hemsworth may just play Thor, but he's got some things in common with the otherwordly hero, too. For instance, they both save the day from time to time. When the actor discovered that his local bakery would not be able to concoct a cake in time for his daughter's birthday, he took matters into his own hands. Chris Hemsworth made his daughter a birthday cake, and it is absolutely adorable.
It's hard to know exactly what the story is here. On Hemsworth's Instagram, he claims that the bakery didn't "have time." What bakery doesn't have time for a cake? Even if Hemsworth is a super-dad, the evidence suggests that he may have waited till the last minute for his daughter's birthday celebrations. But, who hasn't done that? The point here is that Hemsworth wasted no time in breaking out the mixing bowl, eggs, milk, flour, and green frosting. Thor sure isn't known for his baking (or his grace, for that matter), but it appears as though Hemsworth may have more than a little talent in the kitchen. His cake was a ferocious (yet cute) green dinosaur that would bring a smile to any little girl's face.
He posted a picture of the birthday cake on Instagram, and captioned it: "What happens when the bakery says they don’t have time to make your daughter a birthday cake? You get involved and smash one out yourself ! I call it 'La TRex al la chocolate.'" Looks delicious.
His wife, Elsa Pataky, snapped some impressive photos of the baking process, too. She posted one before-and-after shot, and wrote, "Papa working hard on India’s birthday cake! Happy birthday India, love you more than anything! #family #love #birthdaygirl." (Notice the model for his inspiration below. Also, please notice Hemsworth's bicep, really getting into that whisking.) His look of concentration here is pretty admirable.
Hemsworth and Pataky's daughter, India Rose, is the lucky birthday girl. She is turning 4, and, by the looks of it, she's going to have quite a festive family celebration. Hemsworth has two younger children, Sasha and Tristan. No doubt when their birthdays come around they'll be clamoring for the own homemade dino-cakes. In case fans are wondering if this adorable behavior is out of the ordinary for Hemsworth, it's not. Here are four other times he was a superhumanly adorable dad.
Snack Time
Here's Hemsworth and India Rose fixing up a little late night snack. She's clearly a fan of his cooking.
Hug Time
Here's Hemsworth with his younger children, giving them a squeeze with the strength of Thor.
Smooch Time
Pataky captured this sweet moment where Hemsworth is giving his youngest child, Tristan, a kiss.
Workout Time
Hemsworth captioned this one, "The family who trains together, stays together." Clearly the secret to giant muscles is lifting little children. Dads are superheroes in their own right. This superhero just also happens to be a super-dad, too.