
Chrissy Teigen reveals her daughter Luna is a "weirdo" like lots of other kids, apparently.
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Chrissy Teigen Says Kids Are "Complete Weirdos" & Parents Are Nodding In Agreement

by Jen McGuire

There was once a show on cable television in the late 20th century called Kids Say The Darndest Things. It only existed because this is the truth — kids really do say the most bizarre, unexpected things. Just ask Chrissy Teigen, who tweeted about her kids being "weirdos" and the odd things her daughter has said to her recently.

The Bring The Funny host is mom to two kids with People's "Sexiest Man Alive," husband John Legend: 3-year-old daughter Luna and 1-year-old son Miles. Teigen often shares little anecdotes about her kids, and her latest story about Luna might be one of her most relatable yet.

On Wednesday evening, Teigen tweeted that she was trying to have a little moment with her daughter and let's just say it didn't go exactly as she planned. "I just tried to have a talk with Luna and said 'hey. I just want you to know that you’re a really awesome daughter. I’m so lucky' and she said 'what if my name was poo poo pee pee,'" Teigen tweeted.

And when a social media user questioned whether or not Teigen's story was true, her response was perfect: "Why would I lie about kids being complete weirdos."

Luna is apparently a lot like most kids her age, as many parents on Twitter have demonstrated. It seems the world is populated with children who think bodily functions are just about the most interesting topic in the world.

Like one dad whose daughter asked him "why doesn't pizza talk?" or another parent's son who turned a sweet moment into an awkward one at dinner: "Took my son to dinner and he chose a seat by a fire place bc he knew I’d be cold. Five minutes later he asks 'what if I farted in your face?' Kids."

Of course, kids are bizarre in ways that are not related to bodily functions as well. For instance, it seems Luna also has some control issues surrounding her feet, as her mother shared on Twitter, "Yesterday she screamed for me to pull over. I did, and she goes 'smell my feet.'"

After several stories about her kids, Teigen eventually handed down a final decree on Twitter that most parents can probably attest to, "My point is, kids are literally batsh*t."

Lovable? Certainly. Difficult to predict? Absolutely, which is why they're so fascinating.