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'Boy Meets World's Danielle Fishel Gives Birth To A Sweet Baby Boy "4 Weeks Early"

by Karen Veazey

On Monday, one beloved 90s star revealed that she's added “mother” to her résumé recently, although the happy moment happened just a little sooner than planned. On July 1, Danielle Fishel announced she gave birth "four weeks early" to a sweet little boy. The Boy Meets World star took to Instagram to share the exciting news, but also explained that things aren’t quite settled yet.

"One week ago today, on 6/24 at 4:52am, Adler Lawrence Karp made his entrance into the world, 4 weeks early," she shared on Instagram, along with a gorgeous photo of his nursery with a large sign spelling out the letters. "My water broke on 6/20, one day before my work week directing at Raven's Home ended and my maternity leave began."

Baby Adler is still in the hospital since the birth earlier this month and Fishel shared on Instagram that she was hospitalized. "I was hospitalized that night and put on magnesium sulfate because Adler was only 35 weeks old," Fishel wrote on Instagram. "Unfortunately, after doing an ultrasound, our amazing OB discovered fluid in his lungs that was not there during our last appointment only 10 days earlier — and thus we entered a nightmare we'll never forget."

The actress went on to explain that doctors are still working on clearing Adler’s lungs and determining what caused the fluid buildup. As she shared on Instagram, "We still don't have Adler home with us because the deeply good doctors and nurses in the NICU are working diligently to find out why the fluid is there and determine the best way to get it out."

Fishel spoke about how the ordeal has left her and her husband, Jensen Karp, feeling “helpless and powerless and useless,” explaining that “we wanted so badly to follow our “birth plan.” But the situation has also worked to draw the couple together. “Jensen and I have also become closer than we ever thought possible and the love between us has grown exponentially as we have leaned on each other…,” she wrote on Instagram.

The couple waited to make the birth announcement out of caution about the way paparazzi might take advantage of the moment and called for them be left alone. "We have also struggled with making this announcement - we are THRILLED Adler is here and we want to shout it from the rooftops but we know posting about his birth and it's complications opens us up to prying eyes - aka paparazzi staked outside our house, following our every move they way they did several times during my pregnancy. We are much too fragile for that right now and I pray wholeheartedly that we can have some space as we navigate these next few weeks."

The couple did speak with People and gave a little more detail on the baby's name. His middle name, Lawrence was chosen to honor Karp's father, they shared with the magazine.

Prior to the birth Fishel talked with Us Weekly about her experience with her first pregnancy, and shared that "sometimes it's miserable." Although she was thankful not to have morning sickness or indigestion, and to be sleeping well, she also told the magazine, "I’m really lucky that way, and yet, it is still very uncomfortable to just be lugging around this much extra weight and just to be leading with your stomach."

Now she is excited to be able to share all the fun results of those months. "I can't wait to share more details about him with you (he hates having a poopy diaper for even 1 minute, he loves bath time, he has the cutest sneezes I've ever heard) and sing the praises of his NICU care team," she wrote in her Instagram caption. But she added that they're going to wait for more details until Adler is safe and healthy at home.

Big congratulations to this happy couple and their sweet, new family.