
It Looks Like Prince George Gets Some Of His Adorable Features From Princess Diana
Prince George could very well be one of the most famous kids in the world, all thanks to his very important family. Of course, I'm talking about the royal family. Prince George's great grandma, Queen Elizabeth II, is the Queen of the United Kingdom. With so many notable people in his family (like his grandfather and future king, Prince Charles, his dad, Prince William or his mom, Kate Middleton), it's easy to compare Prince George to any of them. But surely, one comparison on a lot of people's minds is if Prince George looks like Princess Diana — his late grandmother, who passed away more than two decades ago.
Although Princess Diana died in 1997, according to CNN, her legacy and memory still live on today in so many ways — from her sons, who only speak highly about their mom and honor her to keep her legacy alive, to her fans who will never forget the "people's princess." But one of the ways that her legacy will continue to live on is through her grandchildren, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, who forever carry a part of her identity with them.
Because of this, it's only natural for people to be curious about whether Prince George looks like his paternal grandmother — but those people will have to do the judging. Diana was born in 1961, according to CBS News, and cameras weren't on her as much as they are on Prince George now (it was a time long before the internet). But by looking at photos of her as a young girl, like this gallery from Harper's Bazaar, it's easy to see that she and Prince George share a few similar traits.
In some of Diana's earliest photos, you can tell that Prince George shares a similar eye shape to hers; they both have deep set eyes, according to Canadian Living. But while Prince George might not exactly be the spitting image of his late grandmother (he has his mom's side of the family to take after as well, after all) you can tell that they do look quite similar and knowing that fact is super sweet. Prince George also appears to have his late grandmother's coloring (more prominently in the color of his complexion and the color of his hair) which is seen in other early photos of her.
The real question should be if Prince George takes after Prince William — since it is likely that Prince William would look more like his mother than his son would. But people should take Prince William's word for that. In 2016, when one well wisher told Prince William that she thought he looked like his late mom, Prince William didn't seem to totally agree, according to Harper's Bazaar. "I said to him, 'You look like your mum,' and he said, 'I think my mum was better looking,'" the woman told Us Weekly, according to Harper's Bazaar.
Although Princess Diana died before ever getting to meet her daughter-in-laws or grandchildren, Prince William has said that he thinks his mom would have loved being a grandmother. Prince William said in an interview in the 2017 HBO documentary, Diana, Our Mother, that he and Middleton often talk about "Granny Diana" to their children, according to W. And while Prince William believes that Diana would have "loved the children to bits" but have been an "absolute nightmare" of a grandmother. "She'd come and go and she'd come in probably at bath time, cause an amazing...scene bubbles everywhere, bath water all over the place, then leave," Prince William said in the documentary, according to TODAY.
Because Prince George is still so young, it's hard to tell which one of his many family members he'll resemble most. Just give him a few more years and these comparisons might become a little more clear.