

Elizabeth Warren's Armed Services Committee Appointment Will Help Her Down the Road

by Karen Fratti

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has kept a bit of a low profile since the election, but voters will probably start to hear a lot more from her. On Tuesday, Elizabeth Warren was appointed to the Armed Services Committee, which oversees military spending and national security issues. For anyone secretly hoping that Warren would run for president one day (or at least join a ticket as a running mate) this is very good news.

Warren is known for taking on Wall Street and currently sits on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee; the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee; the Special Committee on Aging; and the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. This would round out her resume in a big way.

Warren said in a statement following her appointment, "All three of my brothers served in the military, and I understand the sacrifices America’s service members make to defend our country — and the important work that our Defense Department does to keep Americans safe," she said.

Warren added, "As a member of the Committee, I will focus on making sure Congress provides effective support and oversight of the Armed Forces, monitors threats to national security, and ensures the responsible use of military force around the globe.”

Ethan Miller/Getty Images News/Getty Images

For Democrats, it's likely reassuring that Warren, known for being highly critical of the Trump administration, will have a seat at such an important committee. But it also means that she's much more likely to be considered for a White House bid in 2020. Back in 2008, President Obama considered Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine as a running mate, but had to look over him because he didn't have any experience concerning Department of Defense issues. So he snagged a spot on the committee and — voilá — he was the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 2016.

It's possible that Warren has the same trajectory in mind. In the meantime, of course, she'll be making decisions about American military bases, defense technology, cyberattacks, how and when to deploy troops, and overall military spending. It's a big job.

Arizona Sen. John McCain is the chairman of the committee. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, South Carolina Sen. Lindsay Graham, New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, and Kaine are also some well-known members that Warren will work with. The committee did not confirm whose spot Warren would be taking. Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who was nominated to be President-elect Donald Trump's Attorney General, is also on the committee.

Warren won't officially take on her new role until 2017 and she'll keep all of her spots on the other committees, most notably the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. There, she'll be part of the negotiations concerning the Trump administration's promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Warren had better get her rest in over the holidays, because she's going to be very busy in the near future.