
Follow The 'Big Brother 18' Cast On Social Media & Keep Up With Your Favorite Houseguests
Big Brother 18 is coming to an end and it has been one crazy season. Filled with showmances, fights, and all out drama, this season has been one for the books. However, just because you'll no longer be able to watch you favorite houseguests on the live feeds 24/7 that doesn't mean you can't still keep up with them. After the show the houseguests will be free to return to the real world and that includes social media. Here's how to follow the Big Brother 18 cast on social media after the finale.
Although the cast members are completely cut off from the outside world while in the house, unable to talk to their family or friends, once they're evicted they can return to the real world, which includes Twitter and Instagram, unless they're in jury. Therefore the first five houseguests that were evicted have already returned to social media. While others have been more vocal about who they're rooting for and who they're hoping loses it all, others have been some what quiet, happy to just watch the ongoings of the show without much comment. One thing all the evicted houseguests have been doing the past week, however, is campaigning to win America's Favorite Player, which will be announced on finale night.
Below you can find every Big Brother 18 houseguest's Twitter and Instagram, if available, and follow all your favorites. Make sure to tune into CBS on Sept. 21 at 9:30 p.m. EST to see who walks away with the $500,000 grand prize this season and who's America's favorite player.
Glenn Garcia

Twitter: @GLENNNBX
Instagram: @glennbx
Jozea Flores

Twitter: @jossie_flores
Instagram: @realmrflores
Bronte D'Acquisto

Twitter: @bbbronte18
Instagram: @bronteanned
Tiffany Rousso

Twitter: @TiffanyAlexis04
Instagram: @tiffanyalexis04
Frank Eudy

Twitter: @Frankeudy
Instagram: @thefrankeudy
Da'Vonne Rogers

Twitter: @DayDaVonne_
Instagram: @davonnedianne_
Zakiyah Everette
Unfortunately Zakiyah's Instagram page is private, however you can request to follow her here. Zakiyah also doesn't seem to have an official Twitter account.
Bridgette Dunning

Twitter: @BridgetteD_BB18
Instagram: @bbbridgette18
Paulie Calafiore

Twitter: @PaulieC116
Instagram: @pr_calafiore
Michelle Meyer
Twitter: @MichelleMBB18
Unfortunately Michelle doesn't seem to have an active Instagram account.
Natalie Negrotti
Twitter: @Natalie_BB18
Natalie's Instagram is currently private but you can request to follow her here.
Victor Arroyo

Twitter: @Victor_BB18
Instagram: @elfitvic
Corey Brooks

Twitter: @coreybrooks34
Instagram: @coreybrooks
Nicole Franzel

Twitter: @nicole_franzel
Instagram: @coconuts_
James Huling

Twitter: @AsianJamesBB17
Instagram: @jhuling
Paul Abrahamian

Twitter: @deadskull35
Instagram: @deadskull