
For The Love Of The Force, Put Your Kid In These Hanna Andersson Baby Yoda Jams
You know what your brain needs right now? Some cuteness. Some straight up, unbridled, Mandalorian-themed cuteness. So might I turn your attention away from Googling terrible things and instead, show you these adorable new Baby Yoda jammie sets from Hanna Andersson?
Made of an organic combed-cotton rib knit, these super cuddly PJs feature the face of the galaxy's most adorable humanoid alien. Each set contains a long sleeve shirt and pants, and they come in two different designs: one bright green pair is patterned in a kid-friendly illustration of the green guru, while the other set features stripe-y arms and legs, with The Child's face on your child's tummy.
They run from a size 2, all the way up to a big kid's 14-16. They're also made without any annoying, scratchy seams, and the cuffs fold up or down to allow for room to grow, or for your kid to wear them until they are bleached white and threadbare.
They're of course machine washable, but like all jammies, they're meant to fit snugly, so I'd avoid throwing them into too hot of a dryer if you can. They also look nice and warm, but as they're cotton they should breath so your kid doesn't wake up looking like he's had a bucket of water dumped over his head. (Which is how my own son looks whenever I dare to put him in anything flannel.)
Each set is $48, which is a little pricey for jammies, but I know for Star Wars super fans, no price is too high for anything Baby Yoda-related. Also, Hanna Andersson jammies are meant to last, so if you get them in a size your child can wear for more than one month, they're totally worth it. They're also available for order today, March 11.
I mean, did you know you can get a Baby Yoda waffle maker, for when you want only the wisest of waffles? And that there's now going to be an animatronic Baby Yoda that can be used in hospitals to cheer up sick kids? Or what about these Baby Yoda onesies for your own little baby alien? Of course, The Talking Baby Yoda Plush Toy (complete with leaping blue frog) can be pre-ordered, but won't be available to ship until May...
All the more reason to get your Hanna Andersson jim jams STAT, and then force your children to parade before you in a calming Star Wars parade of cuddly bedtime softness. Especially since these are limited edition!
It's a bit amusing to me that The Child has so gripped the world, though in some ways, I suppose it makes sense. Things are pretty bonkers in our own little pocket of the galaxy. And getting even more bonkers by the minute. I guess the idea of a wide-eyed, pointy-eared, frog-eating baby alien dispensing kernels of wisdom makes about as much sense as anything else right now. And truly, we would all be wise to remember this bit of Yoda advice: "Fear is the path to the dark side."
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