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OMG, Guys: Great News From Buy Buy Baby About Your Babies "R" Us Registry

by Cat Bowen

You've picked out every washcloth, every bottle, even the quilt set that will never be used. You registered for a stroller after hours of research, you threw caution to the wind and registered for breast pads — you've done all this work only to find out afterwards that it was all for naught. Babies "R" Us, gold standard of baby stores and the place you made your registry, is closing all of its stores There are alternatives though, even if it sucks. You need to know where to transfer your Babies "R" Us registry so that you can get the things that you need.

If you find yourself in registry purgatory, it's important to know that there are stores out there willing to help. For instance, baby store giant Buy Buy Baby (owned by Bed, Bath, and Beyond) has associates ready to help you transfer your registry as easily and as quickly as possible, according to The Washington Post. They're also throwing in a free Wubbanub pacifier for the transfer. Target is going to help Babies "R" Us customers as well. While Target is not normally known for their personalized shopping experience, they do have team members who are specifically trained to assist in registry building and are ready to help you get what you need.

I want to throw it out there that after spending significant time on their registry websites, I will tell you that both Target and Buy Buy Baby's registry systems are also fast and easy to use. While the endless perks aren't as endless, Buy Buy Baby frequently sends out 20 percent off coupons and they both offer completion coupons if your registry is bought out.

Unfortunately, the two largest retailers, Amazon and Walmart, don't appear to be swayed by the Babies "R" Us closing. All of their normal deals apply when it comes to your registry though — a completion coupon and a vast inventory from which to choose — but they don't have anyone ready to help transfer one registry to another. Although, with the wonder of Amazon Prime, you might not be that concerned. All of your gifts come right to your door with a gift receipt that makes thank you cards so much easier to process.

No one wants to re-register for all the things they've already registered for once. It's frustrating enough to think about all the problems caused by the bankruptcy of the country's largest toy chain without considering how many of the goods you might have chosen were exclusive to Babies "R" Us. It's going to take an unbelievable amount of emotional energy to go through and find all that you're missing and what can be changed without compromising what you want.

Another registry service you might not be aware of is offering a pretty big deal to Babies "R" Us customers transferring their registries. According to USA Today, Babylist, the website that allows you to build a registry on their platform and draw from multiple retailers, is going all in. "The baby registry website is offering a $10 credit to any customer who transfers their Babies "R" Us registry to Babylist and assists parents in finding matching products on their original registry from other retailers."

Say what now? I will take those $10, good sir, and that one-time 10 percent off coupon for all new users. I will also make good use of your Pinterest-style platform and free shipping on orders of $25 or more. (I mean, that's one box of diapers, really.)

Who knows, you might find that you simply adore one of the above retailers and get a great deal, as well as all the nipples you could ever need. (That's a lie, you'll never have enough. They disappear.)

Check out Romper's new video series, Bearing The Motherload, where disagreeing parents from different sides of an issue sit down with a mediator and talk about how to support (and not judge) each other’s parenting perspectives. New episodes air Mondays on Facebook.