
Here’s How To Remove Your Makeup In 10 Seconds (Yes, All Of It)
‘Tis the season for holiday parties, and to me, that means a bucket of eyeliner. Not to mention foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, blush, several layers of lipstick, the occasional bucket of glitter. You get the picture. Removing your makeup can be a process.
First it’s Halloween. Then it’s your high school friends hosting a faux-reunion the night before Thanksgiving. Then it’s recovering from that night on actual Thanksgiving, your office holiday celebration, Hanukkah with your SO, Christmas with the family. Between all the opportunities for cocktails and heavy eyeliner — it’s best to prepare yourself with a simple fix for these late nights and layers of makeup.
If you’re like me, you arm your lashes in a few coats of waterproof mascara in preparation for the (mostly) joyous tears you shed during the holiday season when you’re with your pals, and your cousin Sarah who knows exactly what to say to make you burst out into a fit of giggles at the dinner table. And if you’re even more like me, when plied with cocktails, you find yourself bargaining for sleep rather than scrubbing your face.
Here’s a 10-second makeup removing process that leaves you clean and without racoon eyes come morning.
1Grab A Jar Of Coconut Oil
If you don’t have any, grab some on your next trip to the store.
2Turn On The Hot Water
Make sure to pull your hair back to avoid getting any oil in it.
3Slather A Palmful Of Coconut Oil All Over Your Face
And I mean all over.
4Run A Washcloth Under The Hot Water
And wring it out.
5Lay The Washcloth Over Your Face For A Few Seconds
6After A Few Seconds, Wipe Away Your Makeup
It may take a few wipes to get the residual eyeliner smear off (depending on your level of cateye) — but this method is foolproof.
mimagephotosImages: /Fotolia; Courtesy of Meg Kehoe