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Here's How You Can Support The March For Our Lives If You Can't Make It To A Rally Near You

by Korey Lane

After the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida left 17 people dead, student survivors and activists have never been more dedicated to enact change to make schools safer once and for all. Students, activists, and local community members banded together to organize the upcoming March For Our Lives demonstrations that will be taking place across the country this weekend. But if you're not able to attend one of the marches on Saturday, March 24 and are wondering how to support the March For Our Lives movement from afar, don't worry because there are plenty of ways to stand with its mission even if you're not physically there.

The central march will take place in Washington, D.C. this Saturday, starting at 12 p.m. local time, according to the demonstration's website. There are also plenty of sister marches happening around the nation as well, all marching with the same goal in mind: to put an end to gun violence. Or, as the march's mission statement put it: "The mission and focus of March For Our Lives is to demand that a comprehensive and effective bill be immediately brought before Congress to address these gun issues."

If you can't make it to your local march or to D.C., there are still plenty of ways to get involved and show your support for the movement. Here are a few ways.

Spread The Word

Even if you can't make it to the march, that doesn't mean that others in your social circle can't. There are plenty of sister marches happening around the United States, so see if there's one near your town and if there is, post about it on social media. Send it to your group chat, too.

Just let others know that they could go themselves, even if you can't. And if those around you are also unable to attend, there are still other ways for you all to help out.

Donate To The GoFundMe Page

No matter how much you can contribute, money can always help those succeed in their mission to make lasting change, especially when divisive politics are concerned. And, remember, the organizers behind the March For Our Lives demonstrations are teens, so they could definitely use plenty of support and know that any donated funds will go to a good cause.

"The funds will be spent on the incredibly difficult and expensive process that is organizing a march like this," the march's GoFundMe page noted. "We have people making more specific plans, but for now know that this is for the march and everything left over will be going to the victims' funds."

So whether it's $1 or $100, it'll be going to a worthy cause.

Download "Shine"

Another way to help out the kids behind March For Our Lives is to purchase and download the charity single, "SHINE." The song was performed at a CNN town hall a week after the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and now it's available to purchase. Per Billboard, the song is "a track written by two survivors of the shooting, 16-year-old Sawyer Garrity and 15-year-old Andrea Peña."

Additionally, proceeds will go towards the March For Our Lives, as well as "the SHINE MSD Fund at the Broward Education Foundation, a non-profit that will help support the victims and their families through community mental health and arts programs," according to Billboard.

Register To Vote

As stated in the mission statement, the main goal of the march is to ensure that legislation to protect students is put in place. If you aren't registered to vote already, a pretty simple way to help and support the march is by doing so. Use your vote to support candidates who are in favor of safer gun legislation.

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