
Here's What You Get From A Lenox Hill Suite
Luxury is often not synonymous with hospital rooms. For moms who give birth in a hospital, standard rooms typically offer little to no amenities like one might see at a hotel. When you're a celebrity, however, you can afford to deck out your post-birth lodgings with all the perks imaginable. Now that more and more stars are demanding the best birthing accommodations possible, one can't help but wonder what's included in Lenox Hill hospital's private birthing suite.
If you're a fan of Chelsea Clinton or Beyoncé, then you've heard of New York City's Lenox Hill hospital before. Clinton gave birth to her son Aidan at Lenox in June 2016, and Beyoncé delivered Blue Ivy there in January 2012. Given the star power associated with Lenox Hill, it's no wonder why people are curious about the rooms there. Interest is especially high now that Beyoncé is set to give birth to twins sometime this month.
Although it can be hard to imagine, celebrities shell out between $850 to $2,400 a night to stay in a Lenox Hill birthing suite. According to TODAY, the high price tag will get you "blond wood floors, dark wood cabinets, luxurious linens, plush robes, plasma screen TVs, Wi-Fi, and a concierge who is more than happy to arrange for a mani-pedi, hair cut, or massage for mom or go shopping for onesies in the middle of the night." Considering how amazing Beyoncé looked in her first photo after giving birth to Blue, I wouldn't be surprised if she took advantage of one of these beauty perks.
As for food, if a star is feeling hungry she can indulge in a 24-hour food service featuring high-end fare like lamb or lobster. If a new mom is feeling up to it, she can then follow up the meals with some cheesecake and a glass of wine. To top it all off, moms can enjoy their courses without worry thanks to a newborn security system and around the clock emotional support from Lenox's staff.
Despite the rise in popularity of maternity suites, some worry the trend is putting newborns born in standard hospital rooms at risk. Kathleen Flynn, vice president of the New York Professional Nurses Union, believes these suites can cause a "problem" for staff in the long run, according to ABC News. Flynn said:
The hospital wants to make money and we have no problem with that. But we do have a problem when they pull staff off the regular ward to staff the executive suites.
One Lenox Hill nurse even went as far to speak out on the maternity suite controversy, describing the situation as stressful. According to the New York Daily News, an nurse speaking under anonymity said:
It’s incredibly stressful. You have too many babies. You can’t do all you need to do for them.
Although there are some documented concerns about the rise in private birthing suites, it's obvious the trend isn't going to quit anytime soon. When you take into consideration all the luxurious perks the rooms in Lenox Hill have to offer, like a 24 hour in-room dining service and unlimited support from staff, it's difficult to deny their allure.