
Stephanie Will Suffer A Leg Injury On 'Fuller House' Season 3
The third season of the Full House reboot, Fuller House, is almost here, and while most of our favorite family is returning, some will be in a much different state than when we last saw them. Middle child turned grown up, Stephanie Tanner, will be working with only one leg this season, due to a real life injury actress Jodie Sweetin suffered from back in January. So how did Jodie Sweetin injure her leg? She was just trying to be a good mom.
Sweetin's 6-year-old daughter (now seven), Beatrix, had thrown one of her toys over the fence, and Sweetin jumped over said fence to get it back. While climbing over the first time was no problem at all, coming back Sweetin had a bad landing and broke her ankle and tibia in multiple places. Eventually, she had to get surgery to correct the injury and wore a cast then a boot, before she was finally able to wear shoes again, though she did have to attend physical therapy for a while, which sounds like zero fun.
Because of how serious Sweetin's injury was, there was no way it couldn't be written into the third season of Fuller House, which was filmed earlier this year. "They have to write it in," Sweetin's co-star Cameron Brue told E! News about the injury. "It's going to be written in." "There's no hiding that I can't walk," Sweetin added. "And I can only be a houseplant in so many episodes where I'm just stuck somewhere." So if you notice that Stephanie isn't really moving around much for the third season starts, you'll know why. They're trying to hide her injury until it can properly be fit into the story.
While it hasn't yet been said how Stephanie's injury will be explained on the show, she'll be hopping around on crutches for at least the first half of Season 3. Unlike other Netflix shows, only the first nine episodes of the third season will be released on Friday, Sept. 22, with the second half of the season coming at a later date — presumably sometime later this year. My guess would be sometime in December since that's when Season 2 made its grand debut.
According to Andrea Barber (who plays Kimmy Gibbler), the cast just finished filming the third season a few days ago, which should mean Stephanie's off her crutches in the second half, since Sweetin is now walking again. However, fans won't know for sure for a little while.
No matter how long Stephanie's in a cast, that won't keep her out of commission on the show, which is really great to hear. I think we can all agree that the series just wouldn't be the same without Stephanie Tanner. And while we, the audience, are heading into fall these days, the Tanners are just starting their summer, which is sure to be full of Tanner family fun and a few very heartwarming moments.. I can't wait!
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