
Mom Will Love How Jessica Simpson Deals With Her 3 Kids' Simultaneous Breakdowns
Jessica Simpson has just entered the major leagues of parenting. Now I'm obviously not saying that parenting one child isn't without its challenges, and two children can be even more difficult. But when your children outnumber your hands, this is when things can get sobering right quick. Especially if every one of those kids happens to be having a real moment at the same time... that's when you find out who you are deep down in your soul and it's a scary moment. And I actually think that the way Jessica Simpson deals with her three crying kids is pretty much all any parent can do in that moment. Because, honestly, nothing you do will make much of a difference if the kids are heading for that fever pitch.
The fashion designer and her husband, retired NFL player Eric Johnson, according to Metro, are now the proud parents of three children: 7-year-old daughter Maxwell Drew, 5-year-old son Ace Knute, and 5-week-old baby girl Birdie Mae. The couple are in the process of getting something of a new routine with their bigger family figured out, but Simpson recently told People that it's been something of a "challenge" along the way.
"Three is challenging. We are trying to get into the groove and make sure all three kids are getting equal attention … it’s more than a full-time job right now," she told People.
Fortunately Birdie is a very adorable baby and this tends to make the big changes a bit easier, right?
I mean... yes and no. As much as Simpson obviously adores all of her children, it sounds like that jump from two kids to three is proving a little harder than she expected. Especially when they're experiencing a group meltdown like they did the other night, apparently.
Her solution to a three-way cry fest? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em, as she told People in that same interview: "The other night, all three kids were crying at the same time, so I just joined in! Ha!"
This seems to be Simpson's key to parenting and also life, in my opinion. Not crying, but just keeping her sense of humor.
Throughout her difficult third pregnancy with Birdie, for instance, she shared her sort of darkly hilarious journey with her followers on social media because why not? Everything from swollen ankles to hospital visits to a broken toilet seat, my personal favorite, Simpson appeared to be of the shrug it off and laugh about it mentality.
In fact, Simpson has long been brutally honest about the realities of motherhood, from pregnancy and beyond. As she told InStyle in 2011, she wasn't about to pretend pregnancy was all about that "glow." She told the magazine, "People always say that when you’re pregnant, you glow, but I say it's because of all sweating you do!"
So sure, Jessica Simpson is going to have days when three kids seems like too much. That's normal. But there will also be pretty amazing days when three kids feels just right. And that's the whole point.