
How Often Should Your Baby Move In The Second Trimester?

by Cat Bowen

That first flicker you perceive deep in your belly during pregnancy is one of the most remarkable things you'll ever feel. At first, it's gentle as butterfly wings and later, it's way more intense. But, how often should you feel the baby move in the second trimester after you feel those first flutterings? The second trimester runs between week 12 and week 26, and for most of them, you won't feel your baby at all, so how should you measure?

According to The Mayo Clinic, you'll probably begin to feel the first quickenings of pregnancy somewhere around the 20th week — a little more than halfway through the second trimester and at the halfway point of your pregnancy. However, this is a rough guideline. You might not start feeling movement for a little while longer. (And you may even feel it earlier.)

Once you start feeling those movements though, it's all about understanding how often your baby moves, and what is normal for your baby. According to Britain's National Health Service, your baby will likely be the most active in the afternoon and evening hours. Or, if your baby is like mine, sometime around 3 a.m. My babies were ready with the middle of the night wake-up call weeks before they wanted my boob at that hour.

How often should your baby move during the second trimester? According to the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, it's not an exact amount as much as it's a level of activity you can expect. After you get a good feeling for how much your baby moves, and when they do it, you should be able to recognize the patterns and determine what is and what is not normal.

As long as it's increasing in the second trimester, typically up until week 32, according to the Mayo Clinic, that's a good sign. It should be at least 10 movements in two hours, noted the American Pregnancy Association, but if the movements decrease in frequency, or if you go for a protracted period of time without feeling any movements, call your provider immediately to determine the best course of action. It's always best to talk to your OB-GYN whenever you're even a tiny bit concerned about your baby's health. Otherwise, sit back and feel the strange magic that is pregnancy.