
How Soon You Case Use A Vibrator Postpartum, Based On Delivery
When you're pregnant, it's only natural to wonder about the many ways having a baby will affect your life. Chances are, you have particular questions about the ways giving birth impacts a person's sex life. For instance, how soon can you use a vibrator after giving birth? Your reunion with the Magic Wand may not have to wait too long, so keep that puppy charged.
The exact amount of time you'll need to wait before vibe-ing again will all depend on your own delivery experience. First, consider those who have delivered vaginally. According to the website for Pregnancy, any penetrative play should wait at least three (or more) weeks, but you may be able to externally use a vibrator in the meantime. Of course, if you have healing stitches or any type of pregnancy complication, then ask a doctor before proceeding.
Next, persons who delivered via Cesarian section have their own set of concerns about vibrator use. In most cases, the body needs about six weeks to recover from a C-section, according to the Mayo Clinic, and it's best to wait for your doctor's go-ahead before doing anything penetrative. Using a vibrator externally during this time may be fine, but again, it's best to double-check with your physician first.
For what it's worth, though, it's important not to put too much pressure on yourself in the sex department right after delivery. In fact, it's entirely normal to experience a decreased sex drive after giving birth, and it sometimes lasts for months, according to Baby Center. So if you don't want to deal with anything sexual for a while, it's OK. Your rabbit won't hold it against you.
On the other hand, some women experience a boost in desire after having a baby. If you're in this category, then there are a few things you can do to pass the time until your doctor gives you the green light. Gentle massages, cuddling, kissing, and other shows of affection are always acceptable. And hey: your partner is probably open for business, so bust out the sex toys and go to town on your SO. It's a time of firsts for everyone.