
Here's How The Super Blood Wolf Moon Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign
The Super Blood Wolf Moon is only a short time away, and even non-astronomer types are pretty psyched about it. It's not often you get to witness a huge red moon overhead, for one thing, and astrologically speaking, it's reportedly pretty spectacular, too, according to the popular sister-astrologers the AstroTwins. So what does the Super Blood Wolf Moon mean for your zodiac sign? It could be mighty sweet.
In the world of astrology, lunar and solar eclipses always have a significant effect on your signs, but exactly what that effect is depends on the position of the sun and moon at the time. In this case, the Jan. 20 total lunar eclipse (called a "blood moon" for its temporarily red-tinged appearance) falls under the sign of Leo, "the galactic guardian of creativity, glamour, romance, and fertility," as the Twins explained.
With this powerful influence in our midst, the AstroTwins' website noted, it's a great time to take a stand for a cause you believe in, toot your own horn a bit, buy a piece of statement clothing or jewelry, or birth something new and soul-fulfilling (whether it's a literal baby, a poetry journal, or a crafting blog). Leo's passionate side may spur you to plan something special for Valentine's Day if you're coupled, or take a chance on someone new and unexpected if you're single.
As with any shift in the celestial bodies, the Super Blood Wolf Moon (couldn't you just say that forever?) will also affect each of the 12 Western zodiac sun signs in an individual way. The good news: Everyone from Aries to Pisces can expect refreshing changes, recognition for good efforts, and a renewed commitment to self-care or self-esteem. Here's a look at what's in store.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Get your ring finger ready, Aries: The blood moon paves the way for rams to reach "relationship milestones," said the AstroTwins. Depending on your current status, that could mean a first "I love you," a proposal, a set wedding date, or an addition to the family. If you're creatively inclined, the eclipse might help spark a breakthrough that could lead to some extra cash. (Etsy page? Book contract? It's all good.)
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Bulls love to work with their hands, so getting a little crafty might feel right. Astrologer Donna Page told Women's Health that Taurus is one of the four signs that will be feeling the blood moon influence most strongly, particularly when it comes to exploring your creative side. Time to schedule a paint 'n' sip or a poetry class!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Geminis are great at exchanging ideas and this January full moon won't disappoint. This eclipse serves as a reminder that you don't always have to be "on," according to You'll get more satisfaction out of baring your soul than in coming up with the wittiest remarks.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Crabs are smart about money management, mainly because it gives them the security they crave, per You lucky Cancer-born folks will be in dream-come-true territory after the lunar eclipse, according to the AstroTwins. The time is ripe to move ahead at work or find a side hustle that will help pay the bills and then some. Hello Giggles added that the full moon might make you feel a longing to get closer to your loved ones, so keep those hugs and kisses coming, and plan a family movie night soon.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
The spotlight is yours for the taking, Leo. The star-power energy that the full moon in your sign brings will propel you to center stage. If you've been waiting for the perfect time to put yourself out there and take a chance, now is that time, according to Hello Giggles. At the same time, this is a good time to reflect on your feelings and be honest with your deepest self, per Lovelanyadoo. What is your heart really telling you?
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sep. 22)
The lunar eclipse will help bring some much-needed healing to hurting Virgos in the upcoming weeks, assured the AstroTwins. You'll be in a good space to reconcile with someone you've been on the outs with, or put a painful part of your past behind you. Self-care is also very much in the picture, added Hello Giggles, so take some time this week to schedule a mani-pedi, a lunch at your favorite restaurant, or a glass of wine and a good book.
Libra (Sep. 23 - Oct. 22)
You love to socialize and never mind including just one more person, but all of that socializing can be exhausting. also recommended that socially-minded Libras give themselves a break from always being the one throwing the parties or arranging the brunches.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Work is highlighted for Scorpions during this time period, according to the AstroTwins —and in a very good way. Expect to see some upward mobility after the lunar eclipse, whether it's getting added responsibilities in your current position or being promoted to a job with more power or visibility. About time, too. The Leo influence in the eclipse urges you to be your own best PR rep, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to point out your accomplishments to the appropriate higher-ups.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Sagittarius is typically open-minded and flexible, but this January eclipse is a good opportunity to reconnect with what you love best, rather than focusing on all of the potential opportunities out there, as per There's nothing wrong with being curious, but remembering that you love going to dance class, browsing at the bookstore, or baking up a storm on Saturday mornings can be awfully nice too.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
New year, new you, Capricorn: This is the year you'll realize that you don't have time or energy for shallow relationships or toxic people, as per Lovelanyadoo. The January lunar eclipse will give you the strength and self-awareness you'll need to make an important partnership more vulnerable and intimate. This moon also finds you yearning to connect with someone special, added Hello Giggles. You know who it is. Make it happen.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You're a charismatic person, Aquarius, and people are drawn to your unconventional and unique ways. But just because someone admires you doesn't always mean they're good for you. The AstroTwins explained that the blood moon energy will move you to evaluate the kind of people you attract, "keeping more of the good [and] shedding the bad." (Think of it as KonMari-ing your friends list.) On the other hand, hints that there may actually be someone important in your life who could use more attention from you. (Time to give Mom a call?)
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
The Super Blood Wolf Moon will give you the good hard nudge you need to stand up for yourself and be clear about what it is that you need. No more beating around the bush. Lovelanyadoo astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo advised Pisceans to start being direct about what they want from the people in their life. Being coy and hinting doesn't do them — or you — any good.
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