How To Check The Temperature Of Baby's Bath
A baby's first bath is usually unforgettable. It's often one of the first moments where it really sinks in that, as a new parent, you're now responsible for every aspect of this little human's well-being. It can also be very scary for some moms and dads, who worry about the slippery little body wiggling out of their hands or the water being too cold or too hot. If you're wondering how to check the temperature of baby's bath, there are couple of different ways to make sure your little one stays safe.
The first thing to know is the temperature you're shooting for. According to Nationwide Children's Hospital, a baby's bath water should be about 100 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 37 or 38 degrees Celsius). That might not be the temperature you'd prefer for a shower of your own, but according to Baby Center babies usually prefer cooler water than grown ups.
You'll have to test out the water to make sure it's just right, and you have two options.First is it the old-fashioned way — just touching it. According to What To Expect, you'll want to use either the inside of your wrest or your elbow to test the temperature. That's because these parts of the body are likely to be a bit more sensitive than a finger would be.
If you're anything like me, however, you'll want something a little more official than just spot testing the water yourself. Luckily, there are plenty of baby bath thermometers on the market that are super cheap and easy to use. My kiddo and I have the Munchkin White Hot Safety Bath Ducky ($1.99). The duck's bottom turns white if the water is too hot, so all you have to do is flip it over and check the color. It's super simple, and of course you can just leave it in the tub for your little one to splash around with. For something a bit more specific, you can check out a digital thermometer like this one from MotherMed ($13.99).
And if you want even further reassurances that your baby's bath water will never get too hot, the Mayo Clinic suggested setting your home's hot water heater to no higher than 120 degrees. That way, even if the hot water accidentally gets turned out on full blast, it won't be hot enough to do serious damage.