
How To Get A Baby To Stop Pulling Your Hair
Babies rely on their hands and sense of touch to discover the world around them. Unfortunately, when they learn to grab things, they also become masters of yanking and pulling as well. Although it may start out as a sweet form of curiosity, all it takes is one yelp from you to make pulling your hair a fun game of cause and effect. If you're wondering how to get baby to stop pulling your hair so you don't go bald, you can rest assured that this habit won't last forever. Until that day arrives though, there are a few sneaky tricks that allow you to redirect your baby's attention, while slowly teaching them that it hurts when they pull your hair.
According to Parents most babies are particularly drawn to hair — be it your own, your pet's or even their own hair — for it's soft, interesting texture. The easy access, however, often causes babies to fixate on pulling, yanking, chewing on, or otherwise aggravating your hair. Whether you're a nursing mom hoping to find relief from the pulling, or a parent of a toddler who thinks it's a funny game, learning a few simple parenting tricks can help them quit pulling your hair altogether.
1Offer An Alternative
Of course, the simplest way to get a baby to stop pulling is to give them something else to do. If your baby has a habit of pulling your hair while you nurse, try investing in a nursing necklace ($30) or give them a toy with soft fur to snuggle and play with instead.
2Remain Calm
What To Expect noted that, although frustration might be your natural response to having your hair pulled, getting mad at your baby isn't the most effective way to get them to stop. The article suggested simply responding with a firm, yet calm, "no."
3Explain Why
Once you've mastered staying calm, you can then (calmly) explain why you expect them not to pull your hair. Even small babies can understand to a certain extent when you tell them "no, that hurts mommy." The aforementioned What to Expect article suggested taking it a step further and offering an acceptable alternative form of touch, like a hug, a kiss, or stroking your cheek.
4Distract Them
If they don't respond to calmer measures, there's always the ancient art of distraction. Alpha Mom suggested you gently pull your baby's hand down, and start singing a song, telling a story, or asking them about their favorite color. It doesn't have to be sophisticated to be effective.
5Be Consistent
Baby Center noted that parents shouldn't "expect miracles right away," because your baby's behavior will take time to change. That being said, you should always demonstrate the same behavior every time they pull your hair, and overtime they'll catch on that pulling might not be the nicest form of tactile exploration.