
You Can Follow The Easter Bunny Hop Around The World & Deliver Candy In Real-Time
We could all use a bit of distraction this Easter, but especially kids who have seen their daily routines turned upside down lately. Fortunately, for parents and caregivers looking for new ways to make the holiday a little more exciting, while still being safe, I'm happy to report that you can track the Easter bunny with your kids — all from the comfort of your own home.
This year, your kids can follow the Easter bunny's progress as it hops from home to home thanks to The Easter Bunny Tracker. Tracking is free and relatively easy, making it accessible for any family that has access to the internet.
"While the Easter Bunny is on the move during Easter, the Easter Bunny Tracker will tell you in real-time, the precise location of the Easter Bunny using a sophisticated system that involves radar, satellites, spotters in the field, and more high-tech technologies," a note on the tracker's website read.
To track the Easter bunny's worldwide movements, families should log on to The Easter Bunny Tracker. From there you'll be able to see how fast the Easter bunny is currently hopping, where they've already visited, how many baskets have already been delivered, and how many carrots they've munched on their journey. But know that tracking won't start until 5 a.m. EST on Saturday, April 11, according to the tracker.
While Easter remains a religious holiday during which Christians celebrate Jesus' resurrection, the day has, much like Christmas, come to include a number of secular aspects and traditions. Colorful eggs, marshmallows made to resemble ducks, and rabbit-shaped chocolate candies are delivered or hidden for children by a mysterious bunny. According to, German immigrants are credited with bringing the Easter bunny to the United States in the 1700s.
Now a well-known symbol of the holiday, explains that the Easter bunny Americans know is believed to have originated from German immigrants' tales of an egg-laying hare known as "Osterhase" or "Oschter Haws." Children of German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania made nests on Easter to give Osterhase a place to lay its colored eggs, according to the site. As the tradition spread to other children across the country, it changed over time with baskets eventually replacing nests.
So until the Easter bunny makes a delivery at your home this weekend, kids can check the Easter Bunny Tracker Countdown or print and color a picture of the Easter bunny.