How Will James Use The Care Package On 'Big Brother'? He May Flip The House
This week, America chose their favorite Big Brother houseguest and (shocker) James was given America's Care Package. Besides getting some much needed tube socks and underwear, James also received the power to prevent two houseguests from voting in the live eviction on Thursday night. With that power James could potentially save the houseguest of his choice from being sent to the jury house, but will James use the Big Brother care package? It seems he'll have to.
Unlike the power of veto, it looks like the care packages will have to be used each week, otherwise what would be the point of the care packages, right? So even though James wasn't all that excited about receiving this care package he'll have no choice but to use it. It makes sense that James would be hesitant about this care package. Although it's great that America loves him, for the most part James has been floating by in the house. With this care package, James will have to choose a clear side in the house and if he chooses wrong it could be detrimental to his game.
With Michelle and Zakiyah both on the block this week, James will have to choose carefully who's votes he wants to take away to ensure who gets to stay another week and who goes to jury. Paulie has already made it clear that although he originally wanted Zakiyah out, he actually wants her to stay another week and send Michelle to jury. Paulie plans to get James to use his care package to ensure that Michelle gets evicted and Zakiyah stays, but unlike a lot of the other houseguests, James isn't just going to fall to Paulie's will.
While Paulie wants Zakiyah to stay, Victor seems adamant about getting Zakiyah out of the house, and after Paulie told Paul last week that Zakiyah wants him out and it would make sense that Paul wants Zakiyah out as well. This week James will have a strong hand in who gets evicted, which could shift the power in the house. James better choose wisely before he becomes someone's next target.