Is A Big Penis Dangerous To A Baby During Pregnancy Sex?
Congratulations! Not only are you expecting, but you're having a baby with a partner who is well-hung. Although that might have delighted you to no end before you were pregnant, now that you're expecting, you might find yourself wondering, is a big penis dangerous to a baby during pregnancy sex?
Good news again. A big penis does not pose a threat to your baby's health in-utero, because, as Parents points out, the uterus is protected by a thick muscular wall. Additionally, Huffington Posts noted that your baby is floating in a sac of amniotic fluid inside the uterus, giving your little one extra insulation against the outside world. As you can see, your body is pretty well designed to protect your growing baby. So give props to your lady parts.
Additionally, Huffington Post debunked the related myth that a penis can poke a baby's head during sex. The article did note, however, that a penis can "jostle" a baby during sex. But before you get alarmed, the article clarified that "jostling" has the same effect on your baby as when, pregnant, you run up a flight of stairs. During sex, noted Huffington Post, your baby is properly nestled in your lady parts, out of harm's way. The penis can only reach a space underneath the cervix and uterus. Parents reiterated this claim, noting that the cervix and mucus plug act as a protective barrier between your baby and vagina. So regardless of size, a penis can't hurt baby.
However, there are a couple of exceptions to this rule. You should talk to your doctor about having sex, regardless of your partner's size, if you have any of the following conditions.
1If You Have A Weak Cervix
Mayo Clinic noted that if you have a weak , or an "incompetent cervix," the tissue of your cervical walls is thin. Because you have thin cervical tissue, it can open easily, causing premature birth. Bring this up with your physician and discuss whether or not sex is safe during pregnancy.
2If You Have Placenta Previa
Placenta previa is when, according to the American Pregnancy Association, the placenta lies low on the uterus. In some types of placenta previa, a portion of the cervix is covered by the placenta. Speak with your physician about sex during pregnancy if you have this condition.
3If Your Water Has Broken
If your water has broken, Parents,noted that you should not have sex. Though you may have a while until baby arrives, don't think of spending the time getting it on. Save that energy for the delivery.