
Is 'A Wrinkle In Time' OK For Kids Under 10? Here's What Parents Should Know

by Sophie Hirsh

A Wrinkle In Time hits theaters Friday, March 9, and it's safe to say people of all ages are bursting with excitement. The fantastical film, starring Oprah Winfrey, Mindy Kaling, and Reese Witherspoon, is based on the 1962 book of the same title, so people who were kids back in the 1960s are equally excited as present-day children. That being said, parents are undoubtedly wondering: Is A Wrinkle In Time OK for kids to watch?

A Wrinkle In Time is rated PG. When it comes to PG movies, the Motion Picture Association of America urges parents to give "parental guidance," as PG films may "contain some material parents might not like for their young children." FilmRatings.com provides more detailed information about why A Wrinkle In Time is rated PG. Its official Twitter account cites "thematic elements and young peril." Basically, it's up to caregivers whether their young child can handle a movie featuring those elements.

If parents are on the fence as to whether they should take a child under 10 years old to see A Wrinkle In Time, it seems as though the inspirational, boundary-breaking aspects of the film may outweigh the risks of scary moments. It's your choice whether you think your kid is mature enough to watch any movie that's rated PG. Plus, there are plenty of early reviews online that may give you a better idea of the movie's vibes.

Director Ava DuVernay has commented on the impact she thinks A Wrinkle In Time will have on children on many occasions. In a recent video interview with NBC News, DuVernay explained what she wants children to get out of the film. She told the outlet:

I just want them to see — black girls, little girls of all colors — to really see themselves as the hero. In this film, Meg is the leader of her crew. She's got her little brother Charles Wallace who's in her ear, she's got her friend Calvin who's in her ear, but they're in her ear 'cause they're all asking her, 'Meg, what do we do?' She's the leader.

Meg asks him if he trusts her, and he says yes. She tells him to follow her, and he does, DuVernay explained. The director believes this is a powerful image for all children, namely girls of color and white boys. DuVernay told NBC:

And this is a little white boy. That's a powerful image for white boys to be able to see that and be like, "Yeah, I can trust her."

There are so many more reasons why young boys should see the movie as well. Both DuVernay and Zach Galifianakis, who plays the role of the Happy Medium, have a lot of thoughts on this topic. At a press conference for A Wrinkle In Time at Hollywood's W Hotel, Galifianakis explained why its important for young boys to see depictions of men that diverge from the norm. As per Den of Geek, Galifianakis told the crowd:

It's nice for young boys and young men to see that it’s OK to have a sensitive side. That [vulnerability] means they’re stronger to me. I wish we could change that. I come from a very masculine upbringing, and a lot of people do, and I'm very happy with… I love the way I was raised, but looking back… We need balance. It's time for balance. I think that's what the Happy Medium is about.

DuVernay expressed similar feelings. "We talk a lot about girls seeing the film, but [Zach] was the first person to say, 'This is something for boys, too,'" DuVernay said at the press conference, according to Den of Geek. "Boys need to be able to see themselves as vulnerable and themselves being able to follow a girl and not always having to be macho."

In the end, it's up to you what movies your child is allowed to see — but when it comes to A Wrinkle In Time, the inspirational aspects just might eclipse the scary ones.

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