
Is Jackie Sharp in 'House Of Cards' Season 5?
House of Cards returns to Netflix later this month and fans will get to see the impact of declaring war on Frank Underwood's reelection efforts. His presidency has never quite sailed smoothly, but he won the primary with Claire as his running mate, which seemed to momentarily boost his chances. Now they face young, attractive, social media-savvy Republican candidate Will Conway, but following a failed hostage negotiation with terrorists, Frank and Claire decided to lean into chaos, hoping to capitalize on fear instead of love. But what about ousted Democratic candidate Jackie Sharp? Is Jackie Sharp in House of Cards Season 5? It looks like she's one of the few characters who recognized that being used as a pawn by the Underwoods wasn't worth whatever power she stood to gain.
At the end of Season 4, humiliated out of the primary race after taking Frank's advice, Jackie finally decided to quit Washington, DC. Tom Hammerschmidt was starting to put together the pieces of Zoe Barnes and Peter Russo's deaths (remember them?!) for an exposé to run in the Herald. He just barely convinced a jittery, paranoid Janine Skorsky to help him, but when she did, he managed to snag Jackie and Remy as sources. Of course, they wouldn't go on the record because it would be political suicide for Jackie. But in the end, with her dreams of the presidency dashed, she decided taking down the Underwoods could be her greatest accomplishment.
Doug tried to intimidate her by threatening to expose her affair with Remy to her husband. But Jackie just didn't care anymore. She came clean to him herself and they agreed to divorce quietly. She and Remy agreed to go on the record for Tom's story and, with nothing left to lose, she and Remy drove off into the sunset in the Season 4 finale. Mahershala Ali, who plays Remy, announced his House of Cards exit last summer, just in time to run the award show circuit for his roles in two of last year's biggest films, Moonlight and Hidden Figures. Molly Parker, who plays Jackie, isn't credited on House of Cards Season 5, at least according to IMDB, so it's unlikely we'll see her return, either. On the bright side, now we can imagine Remy and Jackie enjoying a relaxed life on the beach somewhere, away from the Underwoods and finally free of their manipulation.
House of Cards returns to Netflix on May 30.