
Katy Perry's "Swish Swish" May Totally Be About Taylor Swift
Celebrity feuds seem to be the new bread and butter of the internet. Even when there is very little proof to go off of, Twitter users and websites love to craft a story of spite, revenge, or something of the "rival" variety. And while being in the public eye constantly can't be easy, sometimes celebrities play up those feuds, whether they're real or not, in order to get free publicity. So is the case with pop divas Taylor Swift and Katy Perry. After speculation was made that Swift's "Bad Blood" was about Perry, many are now wondering if Katy Perry's "Swish Swish" is about Taylor Swift? The music video, and a few choice lyrics, sure seem to point to a definite yes.
Perry's new diss track off of her Witness album was immediately met with intrigue as to whether or not it was her response to Swift's "Bad Blood." And certainly, as Perry has gotten plenty of publicity from the years-long feud, it would make sense for her to turn it into a anti-hater ballad. With lyrics such as "A tiger don't lose no sleep, don't need opinions from a shellfish or a sheep," and an extremely "Bad Blood"-esque music video, "Swish Swish" definitely seems to be Perry's way of continuing the feud with Swift, and feeding the internet's flames.
While, recently, Perry has gone on a media frenzy claiming she's ready to make nice with Swift, telling Arianna Huffington:
I'm ready to let it go. Absolutely, 100 percent. I forgive her, and I'm sorry for anything I ever did, and I hope the same from her, and I think it's actually... I think it's time.
However, Swift has yet to respond to Perry's comments, perhaps because "Swish Swish" seems so much like Perry hasn't let their feud go.
In fact, Perry's latest music video has had many pointing to the star's explicit references to Swift's "Bad Blood" video. First of all, Perry's video centers around a basketball game between Perry's tigers, and the opponents, the sheep. Just like Perry's tweet which she admitted was about Swift, this reference seems pretty blatant.
But that's not all. There's also the whole deal with the cast of "Swish Swish." Just like how "Bad Blood" featured many notable members of Swift's squad, Perry's new video has a lot of guest stars as well. Perry also promoted her video using the word "catastrophe," the same name of Swift's character in "Bad Blood."
But, the thing is, while Perry's "Swish Swish" may be referencing her feud with Swift, neither woman has actually publicly insulted the other in a while, and hopefully, this drawn out feud will all come to an end. Seriously, Sunday night's VMAs are the perfect opportunity for both women to come together and move on.