
Is Olivia Watching 'The Bachelor'? Her Tweets About The Season Are Hilarious
Monday's episode of The Bachelor is around the corner, and an ABC sneak peek hinted at some more Olivia Caridi drama going down. The sneak peek is definitely not all that kind to Caridi, pulling out snippets where the other contestants talk about her breath, her bullying, and her "erratic" behavior. It ends with a dramatic voiceover saying, "When will Ben wake up and smell the Olivia?" Ouch. With all of that happening on the show, is Caridi watching The Bachelor as it airs? Her tweets would make it seem that yes, she is.
She's been responding to people's comments on the show, and even tweeted a picture of dusty, hairy feet (possibly Frodo's?) after the show made a big deal about her toes (because c'mon, guys). When Emma Roberts tweeted over her excitement that The Bachelor was playing one night, Caridi not only retweeted her but wrote, "I feel the same way girl, that means we should probably be best friends right?"
I mean, it could be that Caridi just really wants to befriend Roberts. But if I were her and getting 24-7 feedback from fans about the show, I'd have a hard time avoiding the episodes when they came on. I would probably cringe every time The Bachelor framed me as crazy, mean, smelly, (insert ridiculous adjective here), but Caridi seems to be handling it all with a lot of positivity and humor.
Other than that, Caridi seems to be laying low. She's been blogging on her own website since early January, and, judging by her Instagram pictures, she's been kicking it in Dallas, LA, Nashville, and South Carolina in the past few weeks. Her website also hints that she seems ready to jump back into the broadcasting game. Her "About" section reads: "After nearly 18 months on the job, Olivia was offered the very unique opportunity to be a contestant on Season 20 of ABC’s show, The Bachelor.” She joined the program in the hopes of finding love, but also ended up gaining a keen understanding of the appeal of reality television to modern day audiences. With the show currently on the air, Olivia is unable to comment on the outcome. What she will say, however, is that she’s never been more excited about the future."
In her FAQ, she also wrote, "I gave up my job to be on [The Bachelor], but I did not give up my career. I am confident that I will get another job in broadcast news to continue my career in the television news industry."
So, Olivia will likely keep watching The Bachelor, and the rest of the world will keep watching to see what becomes of her — hopefully all the best, because she's been an awesome sport throughout the show.