
Walmart Is Open On Easter, But Here's How Their Holiday Hours Will Differ
The holidays can often end up springing you with surprises, whether it’s last minute guests or just necessities you totally forgot about. Easter is here, and you might find yourself needing to run out to get more eggs for your hunt or dessert for your extra guests. You can probably find everything you need at Walmart, but you should know beforehand, is Walmart open on Easter?
The good news is that for all your last minute Easter needs, Walmart will be open for business. However, it’s important to note that not only is Easter a holiday, it also falls on a Sunday, so business hours may be shorter than your average weekday. Individual store timings will vary depending on location, so go ahead and use their store locator tool to check your neighborhood Walmart’s Easter hours before you head out.
When it comes to the holidays, it’s better to check out your go-to store’s hours ahead of time. There’s almost always something that you realize you need last minute, so it’s good to know what’s open and what’s not. While many big department stores may be open, it’s the all-in-one stores like Walmart and Target that can benefit you most when you are running out for holiday supplies. But just make note, that Target stores will be closed on Easter Sunday, which is perfectly fine, because Walmart stores will still be open.
The greatest thing about Walmart, especially on the holidays, is that you can get pretty much anything you need to make your day special. You can pick up your Easter activity supplies, including baskets, toys, chocolate bunnies, and candy eggs, and you can even find all kinds of Easter themed holiday decor, tableware, and springy pastel colored linens. Whatever you need get your home Easter ready, you should be able to find it at Walmart, even if it’s last minute.
If your kids are chronically messy like mine, they will probably end up staining their new Easter outfit before the guests even arrive. Luckily, you’ll have the chance to run out to your nearest Walmart and pick something up from their huge selection of kids’ clothing, which includes holiday centric outfits, dresses, onesies, and sleepers. You might even find Easter specific gear, like t-shirts, bibs, and socks depending on your location.
Cooking on holidays, especially Easter Sunday, can be a lot of fun as long as you have everything you need. But with all the chaos of the holidays, between juggling work and the kids, you’re bound to forget something on your grocery list, which can put you in a culinary dilemma. Fortunately, Walmart can save your holiday meal because most stores carry staples like milk, cream, yeast, and eggs, and if you’re near a super store, you can find fresh produce and baked goods as well.
Whether you celebrate Easter for religious reasons or just to celebrate the beauty and bounty of spring, you can’t deny that the holiday is beautiful. It comes at a time when sunshine, flowers, and greenery are in full bloom, and all the pastel colored decor and clothing just add to the charm of the holiday. Not to mention you finally get an excuse to indulge on all that yummy Easter candy, chocolate, and dessert that comes with it. My favorite part has always been the Easter egg hunts with my kids, and just seeing the pure joy on their faces makes the holiday special for me.
Fortunately, no matter what you need, if you do have to grab something last minute to make your Easter holiday complete, you should be able to find it at your local Walmart store, and the best part is that you’ll probably get a great deal, too.
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