
Celebrate The Busby Quints' Birthday In This 'OutDaughtered' Clip
Fans of OutDaughtered have followed the Busby family every step of the way since the birth of quintuplets Ava, Olivia, Riley, Parker, and Hazel. Now the girls are turning three and their parents Adam and Danielle are planning a pretty epic party for them and their older sister Blayke. It's the Busby quints' birthday in this exclusive OutDaughtered clip and they're celebrating in style.
"Well, it's official," Danielle announces in a confessional segment at the start of the clip. "The quints are three years old today. I couldn't ask for more. They're five healthy little kids and I'm so proud of them." Then it cuts to the quints right after they've woken up on their birthday morning, still in their pajamas while their parents hype them up about all the fun to come. Danielle asks if it's all of their birthdays and one girl answers with total confidence, "No!" Danielle and Adam laugh before she explains that because they're quints, they all share this particular special day. And of course they're going to be celebrating it together, too.
Back in the confessional, Adam reveals the birthday plans involve a big party at the Altitude trampoline park for all six of the girls. Blayke's birthday falls just a few days before the quints' (Apr. 5 to their Apr. 8), so it's going to be a real Busby extravaganza.
As the girls put on their birthday ensembles (baseball shirts that have poo emojis with bows on them), Danielle asks who is going to try to do some flips and tricks at the park. Several girls raise their hands, which is foreshadowing for the daredevil antics to come. Then they head out the door to meet up with all their friends and family. Everyone will be coming, including Adam's parents, sister, and her kids, who came all the way from Louisiana for the festivities.
The Altitude trampoline park boasts that it's the largest trampoline park in the United States. That definitely seems true from the look of it: there are massive swathes of bouncy floor, plus plenty of pits where kids can dive or trapeze their way into a pile of soft objects. The park is also big enough to allow separate space for all of the birthday girls. "It was really mature of Blayke to agree to share her party this year with her sisters," Danielle says. "But we made sure to get separate rooms so that she had her own space with her own friends."
Having the party at the park takes some of the stress off Danielle and Adam. They can enjoy time with their kids without having to worry about every little detail. But one detail that sparks some worry is when Riley expresses the desire to try out the trapeze after seeing her Uncle Dale flop into a pit of foam blocks.
The rest of the family seem apprehensive about Riley swinging into the pit because she's so little. Danielle knows Riley is brave, but isn't sure she knows exactly what she's getting herself into. Adam, however, is confident that she can handle it. He walks her up and helps her hold on to the trapeze bar, then supports her as she starts to swing. The clip cuts off before Riley makes her plunge, but something tells me this feat of daring is going to pay off in fun.
OutDaughtered airs Tuesdays on TLC, and that's where fans can see how the rest of the party turns out.