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Jessica Simpson New Photo Of Baby Birdie Is All About The Little Things

by Jen McGuire

Four months or so ago, Jessica Simpson was pregnant with her third child and having a real time of it. The fashion designer struggled with shockingly swollen ankles, nausea, exhaustion, and even strep throat at one point. Ugh. But post-delivery, life at home couldn't be better for the mom-of-three. Want some proof? Look no further than Jessica Simpson's new photo of baby Birdie enjoying a "good day," a snap that puts all of her struggles into perspective.

Simpson and her husband, former NFL player Eric Johnson, are parents to three adorable children together: 7-year-old daughter Maxwell Drew, 6-year-old son Ace Knute, and 3-month-old baby girl Birdie Mae. Little Birdie was born in March, and ever since her arrival, it seems as though she's been keeping the whole family busy. As Simpson told People back in April, for instance, the transition has been something of an adjustment. "Three is challenging. We are trying to get into the groove and make sure all three kids are getting equal attention … it’s more than a full-time job right now," she explained. Ain't that the truth, mama.

As most moms know, you really have to learn to celebrate the good days amid the highs and lows of parenting, which is exactly what Simpson did with her recent photo of Birdie, a snap that highlighted the baby's adorable dimples. Squee!

The proud mom's photo shows Birdie being held up in someone's hand, complete with her tufts of hair sticking up and her dimples on full display. Simpson captioned the cute shot: "Today is a good day #BIRDIEMAE."

I know this might seem like a relatively innocuous post of a celebrity sharing a cute picture of her baby, but I think it speaks to something larger. It's a reminder that, while it's pretty hilarious to share posts about the bad days (who could ever forget when a very pregnant Simpson broke a toilet seat and hilariously told everyone on the internet back in February?), it's also important to celebrate small wins. A happy day with your baby, for instance, or even a moment shared between your kids when you can really see them loving on one other, is important.

Or perhaps that small win is about you because as many parents already know, pregnancy can take a toll on your body. Someone who knows this all too well is Simpson, who, after struggling with terribly swollen ankles at the end of her pregnancy, shared a photo of her post-pregnancy leg a few weeks ago with the caption, "I spy... my ankles!!!!" Yep, I think it's safe to say Simpson deserves a good day or two after her tough pregnancy.

The reality is that parenting can be tough. There are some days when, even if you're a celebrity, nothing feels like it's going right. But this exact feeling is also the reason why it's important to step back and take stock of your life, to pay attention to the little things you love. And for Jessica Simpson, that's a a happy baby with dimples and goofy hair. What's not beautiful about that, right?