
Jessie James Decker Got Super Real About Third Trimester Pregnancy Struggles
By the third trimester, many mamas-to-be are counting down the days until they get to meet their little ones. But the waiting game isn't the only struggle that comes with those later stages of pregnancy. As Jessie James Decker revealed in her latest pregnancy update, some of those third trimester struggles can be rough, because it's not all baby showers and sunshine, my friends.
Decker posted to Instagram on Saturday to update her followers on her growing bump and the equally growing baby inside of it.
30 weeks today!! So excited to meet this little boy. My belly is so low this time and sleeping is getting very uncomfortable. I have to pee every 30 minutes no joke!! Viv asks me everyday when she gets to finally hold him as she puts her little hands out like she’s rocking a baby. Bubby is not shy about letting us know he’s still the baby right now lol
While most people sharing their frequent urination on social media would be considered TMI, pregnant women get a pass. Aside from the actual baby, endless trips to the bathroom are one of the first things that come to mind when one thinks "pregnancy." There are a number of reasons why moms spend so much time on the toilet — and they all have to do with the baby's well-being.
The endless urge to hit the head starts early in the first trimester, when hormonal changes and a growing uterus leave women chained to the toilet. All of that going eases up in the second trimester, but as Decker knows all too well, it comes back with a vengeance in the third trimester. During that time, the baby drops lower to prepare for delivery, putting a lot of pressure on the bladder, according to Parents.
This isn't the first time that Decker has opened up about her experiences with pregnancy — considering this is her third, she has a lot of wisdom to share. She and husband Eric Decker are already parents to 3-year-old daughter Vivianne “Vivi” Rose and 2-year-old Eric “Bubby” Thomas Jr. During her second pregnancy with Eric, she spoke with Parents about what it's like carrying a boy. As she explained, every pregnancy is different and her latest baby is likely just as unique:
With my daughter, Vivianne [now 18 months], I had horrible morning sickness. I threw up every day, sometimes twice, for five months, which then made me insanely hungry. So I'd stuff my face to try not to feel nauseated, and I gained 55 pounds. On my 5'1" frame, that was brutal! This time has been much smoother. I sometimes even forget I'm pregnant except for all the moving around he's doing in there!
It doesn't sound like she's forgetting that she's pregnant right now, but I would imagine that it is hard to have that slip your mind when a baby is bouncing on your bladder.
Decker's followers certainly don't seem to mind her propensity for sharing, if the comments on her latest post are any indication. Many of them expressed their respect for her flaunting her growing bump. One such user wrote, "Omg! U are so cute!!! You crack me up how ur standing there in ur undies, belly out and all!! Still gorgeous!!! You rock!!!!"
Another was all compliments and abbreviations, writing, "Ur belly is gorgeous! U have beautiful skin! U look amazing pregnant! Ur my motivation after I have my daughter to get in amazing shape!"
While running off to the bathroom every five minutes certainly isn't fun, I doubt that Decker minds it considering it's a sign of her growing little one. The mama-to-be is due in March, according to E! News, so she doesn't have too much longer to wait. After that, she'll be busy dealing with someone else's bathroom business.
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