
Kale Halloween Costumes To Bring Out Your Inner Foodie
While it has been mocked and shunned at dinner tables everywhere, kale is one of those super foods that has a way of creeping up on you, whether you like it or not. It’s highly nutritional and Beyoncé loves it, which is probably why it's still popular. So since food-inspired costumes are trending, why not create your own adorable kale Halloween costumes this year?
Because there aren’t any actual kale costumes available in stores (come on, marketing teams, you're really missing out on a product gold mine here), you’ll have to bring your creative side to the table this year to complete the look. Lots of green, some scissors, and some glue will have your family looking like foodie heaven in no time. These costumes are specific for kids, but with some size adjustments (you know, picking up your green t-shirt in the adult section), you can all match as the ultimate superfoods. Forget super families. This superfood is in and the whole neighborhood will love it. Just don't get too stuck on the healthy part. You've got to enjoy the fruits of your trick-or-treat labor, right? Luckily, you and your kids will have plenty of treats to counter this super healthy look.
Girls' Kale Costume
For your little girl, you can make a kale costume pretty and feminine. All you need is a green shirt ($7, Hanes), green leggings ($12, Walmart), a green tutu ($16, Amazon), and a leafy headband ($4, Amazon). You can cut green kale-like leaves out of either tulle ($7, Amazon) or felt ($13, Amazon), and glue or sew them onto the shirt and skirt. You can attach salad servers ($11, Amazon) or ask them to hold a bottle of salad dressing, too.
Boys' Kale Costume
For boys, you can combine a green shirt ($7, Hanes), green pants ($15, H&M), and a green hat ($7, Amazon). You can cut green kale-like leaves out of either tulle ($7, Amazon) or felt ($13, Amazon), and glue or sew them onto the shirt and hat. You can attach salad servers ($11, Amazon) or ask them to hold a bottle of salad dressing, too.
No Brainer Kale Costume
For a no-brainer version, you can pick up this kid’s leaf costume ($25, Newegg) and have them hold a bottle of their favorite salad dressing. Boom. Superfood, activate.
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