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Khloe Kardashian, We Promise It's Totally Normal To Forget What Day It Is

by Michelle Stein

Ah, new parenthood. It's a time filled with around-the-clock feedings, endless diaper changes, burping, spitting up, more feedings, rocking — not to mention celebrating when you survive another day and you remembered to take a shower. (Personal hygiene for the win!) Because let's face it: Meeting the needs of a tiny human is downright exhausting. And look, I know "pregnancy brain" gets a bad rap. But try forming a coherent sentence when you're running on two-hour increments of sleep, haven't left the house in days, and have dried spit-up in your hair. And celebrities are no exception. Khloé Kardashian totally forgot what day it is, and every new mom can realte.

Kardashian and her NBA player boyfriend Tristan Thompson welcomed their first child together in April — a baby girl they named True, ET Online reported. Since becoming a mom, Kardashian has kept relatively quiet on social media (for her, at least) about her daughter and new motherhood. (And we're still waiting for that first photo of your baby girl, Koko!) However, on Wednesday, Kardashian tweeted about a particular milestone for True, People reported. "I can't believe my baby will be a month old tomorrow," the new mom wrote. "Why does this make me happy and sad all at the same time. Thank you Jesus for my sweet peanut." It's pretty much the sweetest thing, right?

On Thursday, Kardashian took to her app to officially celebrate baby True turning 1 month old, Us Weekly reported. In her post, the proud mom described her daughter — and I swear, you can practically feel her beaming as you read Kardashian's words. "Baby True is going to be a month old on Thursday, [May 10]! So far, she’s so incredibly sweet and patient — really not fussy at all,” she wrote. “I can tell she’s going to be super athletic and incredibly strong! She’s very calm, peaceful and loves to cuddle with her parents.”

Here's the thing though: Kardashian completely forgot what day it was. Check any report on True Thompson's birth, and you will see that she was born on April. 12. Heck, TMZ even shared a copy of the baby's birth certificate, which confirmed the April 12 delivery. Apparently, Kardashian didn't even realize her mistake until social media followers corrected her. In response to a tweet reading, "i thought she was 1 month on 12th May?!", Kardashian acknowledged her faux pas. "Guess what... until this tweet I thought it was the 12th the entire day lol," she responded. "So, technically you are right. Lol I’m so immersed in feedings, sleeping and diapers -REPEAT!! Wow lol ok so we have two days."

Oh no! Poor Khloé.

I don't want to be that person, but it actually seems like her "mommy brain" led her to believe that April 10 was True's birthday — instead of thinking that today was May 12. Her tweet literally said, " Baby True is going to be a month old on Thursday, [May 10]." Regardless, I'm giving Kardashian a pass. Because I know exactly how exhausting those first few weeks with a newborn can be.

Thankfully, it seems as if Kardashian's Twitter followers are more than understanding, too.

Still, I hope Kardashian doesn't beat herself up too much about the date flub. I swear, every single time I'm at the doctor's office for one of my three kids, I blank and get a deer-in-the-headlights look on my face when a doctor/receptionist asks my child's date of birth. "Uhhh ..." I stutter for what seems like way too long for a loving mother, before finally rattling off the correct date. And chances are, I have no clue what the current date is on any given day. Public service announcement: This is your brain with kids.

So don't sweat it, Khloé. Really. You're doing an amazing job. And if anyone wants to give you a hard time about forgetting what day it is, I have a feeling they'll have an army of angry fans/fellow moms to answer to.