
Megyn Kelly Defends CNN Reporter Sara Murray After Donald Trump Berated Her "Terrible Reporting"
Surprise, surprise... Donald Trump has taken to verbally attacking reporters who don’t say things exactly as he wants them said. On Tuesday, Donald Trump publicly criticized CNN reporter Sara Murray for what he called her “terrible reporting” about the size of a crowd at his book signing. Yesterday, news host Megyn Kelly defended Murray from Donald Trump's attacks.
While Trump’s hair may always be consistent, his good graces are anything but. One moment during his event on Tuesday he was praising Murray, saying, “Sara from CNN, a terrific person,” and the next he was slamming her. During an interview on Wednesday Trump openly criticized the reporter for not accurately communicating the size of the event. "If you would listen to Sara Murray, you would think there were three people standing in the atrium of Trump Tower," he said. "Either she's a very unemotional person or she's not a very good reporter."
On her show Wednesday, Kelly reviewed Murray’s reportage on Trump, which she described as generous. Many of Murray’s stories have described the fanfare of his events, how well Trump is doing in the polls, how he "knows how to rally a crowd" and how Trump "lures crowds by the thousands." But all that isn’t good enough for Trump (as if she was working for him anyway!). Kelly describes his relationship with the media:
"The unless you say it just the way he wants you to say it, you get hit. And the thing that happens on some of these networks, they give him an unfettered arena in which to assault the press which helps with some voters because they don't like reporters, they don't like the media."
You can watch the full clip of Kelly's defense here:

Wednesday night, Sarah Murray thanked her supporters via Twitter:
Megyn Kelly is no stranger to Donald Trump's ire herself. Back in August, Kelly and Trump had some now-infamous heated exchanges following his comments about women during the debate. While moderating the first GOP debate, Kelly confronted Trump about referring to women as "dogs" and “fat pigs” in the past. At the time, Trump laughed off Kelly's question, but later told CNN's Don Lemon, "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes. Blood coming out of her wherever." He also criticized her abilities as a journalist and moderator, and complained that we have a problem in this country with always trying to be politically correct. The whole debacle got so heated, that when Kelly went on a long vacation shortly thereafter, there were rumors that she needed to get away from “The Kelly File” just to let the dust settle.
Yep, Trump's really been pissing off women lately. (Though honestly, he's got a long history of hurling insulting remarks at women, between his famous feuds with Rosie, Cher, and even Arianna Huffington.) Does he realize we're 50 percent of the voting population? He's going to have to, come 2016.
Image: Gage Skidmore/Flickr