
Mom Turns Barbie Into A Hipster Millennial Mom

by Jen McGuire

Oh, the pressures that beset the average millennial mom. Not only does she have to raise engaged, happy, healthy kids, she also has a responsibility to keep her social media parenting game strong. Whether she's enjoying picturesque walks on the beach alongside her tow-headed toddler or enjoying a family visit to the market to collectively enthuse over the fresh produce, she is always on display. And it can get rough, so why not have a little fun with it, right? One mom turned Barbie into the classic hipster millennial mom, and it was definitely extra.

It looks as though Barbie has seen a resurgence, a rebranding if you will, of late, on social media at least. Gone is the stiff, awkward, stiletto-wearing, impossibly perfect Barbie of old. Now there's a new Barbie in town, and she's a mom. And she is, like so many other millennial moms, attempting to navigate the murky waters of parenthood through social media. "Tiff" the Barbie has an Instagram account chronicling her "life" as a mother, and it's so true to non-Barbie life that it's somewhat disturbing. Tiff the Barbie, who enjoys a solid following on Instagram of 25,000 fellow users, has taken fans on a wild ride. Through pregnancy for both of her children with husband (you guessed it) Ken, early motherhood and now the toddler years, followers have been loving her wry sense of humor and clever attention to detail.

Whether Tiff the Barbie is using moisturizer on her pregnant belly to "avoid the tiger marks" while noting that husband Ken still "massages her feet even if they smell like cheese," Tiff the Barbie is keeping it real. Hilariously, irreverently, real. Even if she doesn't happen to be technically real herself, it doesn't seem to matter. Followers love her posts about baby boy Wyatt and 3-year-old daughter Kelly, not to mention her perfectly coiffed husband Ken.

Tiff the Barbie has managed to capture the wonderful essence of what it can sometimes mean being a millennial mom, whether you're getting joy out of a day at the fair with your kids or laughing off an attempt to get a "perfect" family photo that naturally never turns out perfectly.

Many moms can also relate to what it feels like to try to stay connected to your pre-baby best friends over brunch.

And Tiff even has a happy snapshot of her indulgence in her pregnancy "cravings" (guzzling whop cream out of a can, eating Doritos, and a side of cake), all while looking breezy but also down-to-earth.

Perhaps Tiff the Barbie is on to something here, folks. If everyone posted their big announcements by caricaturing them through Barbies, millennial moms could potentially kill two birds with one stone. They could finally enjoy the perfect social media feed of their dreams, and they would get to play with Barbies again. It's a win-win.