Neil Patrick Harris' First Day Of School Instagram Will Make Your Day Better
I love back to school time. I love how hopeful it all feels, you know? Like this is the year I'm going to do it right. This is the year their lunchboxes will be on point. This is the year I will get out of my pyjamas before I drop them off at school. This is the year I will take a perfect, first-day-of-school picture to remember how hopeful we all felt when we turn back into normal people in two weeks. Sadly, that picture didn't happen, but that's okay, because Neil Patrick Harris' first day of school Instagram warmed the cockles of this old mom's heart. It was enough to make my day, seeing those sweet looking little twins of his, and I bet it will make your day too.
Neil Patrick Harris (How I Met Your Mother, Doogie Howser, and classy host of every award show ever) showed off adorable pictures of his 5-year-old twins with husband David Burtka on Instagram, and the internet spontaneously combusted with a wealth of communal warmth. Because there is just something about NPH that gets us all in the feels. For me, he is that dad at the schoolyard who is so totally pulling it off, but always managing to be so endearing that I can't even hate on him for being awesome. He is in the sweet spot of awesome — and clearly, so are his super stylish kids.
So try to hold it together, peeps, while we simultaneously gush over this picture of twins Gideon and Harper. Those boots on Harper, and her amazing little swagger! Gideon and his oh-so-slightly rolled up jeans with his suspenders and classic shades! Their famous dad captioned the stylish pic with: "Kindergarten fits these two well. #firstdayofschool." Harris continued the love-fest over on Twitter as well, writing,
The twins' first day of kindergarten. So many feels: excited, nervous, giddy, wistful. But mostly proud. Can't wait to see who they become.
This isn't the first time Harris has taken to Instagram to show off his happy family (and every time, yes, it gives me a kick in the ovaries, I swear). His Instagram feed is a veritable feast of unbridled sunshiney family shots of golden haired, laughing children and a couple who are clearly in love.
Enjoy the show:
So the family has Instagram down pat. They've nailed back-to-school style. Clearly, Harris and Burtka are still very much in love after two years of marriage (the were wed in Italy in September 2014).
I wish I could tell you guys there was something not to love about this family but honestly... I'm not an animal. I love them. And so do you, admit it.