
Snooki Is Officially In Her Third Trimester With Baby #3 & Is Looking SO Cute
The newest little meatball is growing and will be here before you know it! In fact, Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi's due date is getting so close, as she explained in a new post that she is already moving into her third trimester and feeling every bit of her pregnancy. After the 27-week mark, mamas typically go into the final countdown of their pregnancies and Snooki is no different. It won't be long until she's back to her gym, tanning, and laundry routine — with another little one in tow.
Polizzi posted the update to Instagram, including a full-body photo of her in a sports bra and leggings with the caption, "28 weeks, messy house and a slow start today — hello world."
The 28th week of pregnancy marks the mom-to-be's official entrance into the third trimester, according to What to Expect, and her growing meatball is likely around 2 1/2 pounds and 16 inches long in week 28 of pregnancy. Babies grow quickly in the third trimester, which could mean Snooki is enduring some serious kicks and pokes in her belly.
But the experienced mom already has two children of her own, so she's likely familiar with the trials and tribulations that are the third trimester. Polizzi and husband Jionni LaValle share 6-year-old son Lorenzo LaValle and 4-year-old daughter Giovanna LaValle, according to USA Today, and the two older children were a part of the family's Thanksgiving pregnancy announcement.
The announcement was a photo of Lorenzo and Giovanna holding up a framed photo of an ultrasound with the caption, "What I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving," And just a few weeks later, the couple shared that they are expecting another little boy. That announcement came in the form of a video of Jionni at their gender reveal party, hitting a baseball that exploded into blue powder, according to People. "It's a boy," Polizzi captioned that post.
That blue powder was likely a welcome surprise to Polizzi, who stated in an interview with E! back in 2016 that she wanted another boy. "I don't want any more girls. If I have a girl, I'm just going to be really upset about it," she said. Well, her wish came true and it won't be long now until she's holding her baby boy.
Since announcing her pregnancy last year, Snooki has been providing her many followers with regular bump-dates. In the past week alone, she has shared two photos of herself affectionately cradling her bump. The first — posted on Tuesday — was captioned "Hay Mawma," and showed Polizzi standing in three different poses while wearing some fierce cheetah print heeled boots. The other — posted on Saturday — showed a smiling Snooki in a tie-dye maxi dress with the caption "Big Mawma coming through."
And while Polizzi may feel "big" now, her baby is far from finished growing. The third trimester is a time filled with growth and transformation for the little meatball. According to What to Expect, he will grow bones in place of his cartilage; grow hair, skin, and nails, and develop his five senses. Additionally, according to What to Expect, babies' brains grow faster than ever in the third trimester as they test out skill like blinking, dreaming, and regulating his own body temperature.
"Mawma" will also go through some changes of her own during this time. Parents listed the third trimester as one of the most physically taxing periods of pregnancy. Specifinally, during this time, expectant mothers like Polizzi can experience musculo-skeletal pain due to their weight gain, fatigue, discomfort when sitting or lying down, and shortness of breath during their last three months of pregnancy.
Fortunately, there is a beautiful light at the end of this long tunnel for Polizzi and her family. Their baby boy will be a wonderful addition to this sweet family and I can't wait to see the many photos his proud "Mawma" will surely share.