
Olivia Insults Amanda's Kids On 'The Bachelor' & Ben Is Not Happy About It
Early on in the season, it looked like Olivia Caridi was going to be a front runner to win Bachelor Ben Higgins' heart, despite the fact that she came off a little strong. But after her meltdown on Monday, it looks like next week on The Bachelor might very well be one of her last. According to Bachelor spoiler site, during next week's episode, Olivia insults contestant Amanda Stanton's kids — and unsurprisingly, Ben is so not into it. According to the gossip, Olivia allegedly makes a comment about The Bachelor not being "an episode of Teen Mom." Ouch.
Now, that's just catty and uncalled for. Olivia has been very aggressive in her quest to win Ben's heart in the past, but this could be the final straw.
In episode three, Olivia shocked fans by crying about her physical insecurities while Ben was mourning the painful loss of two close family friends. Again on Monday, Olivia broke down in Las Vegas after being forced to compete in a talent competition (the contestant chose to do an awkward strip tease). Both times, Ben was nothing but understanding (what a guy, right?).
However, Olivia's mean comments about Amanda's motherhood could break even the nicest guy. It's one thing to be strategic on the reality show — nothing wrong with some healthy competition — but it's entirely different to single out a competitor and call her unworthy of the bachelor's rose because she has two adorable kids. So very not cool, girl.
Here's the thing. Olivia seems like a really successful, smart, and confident woman. Remember when she brushed cattiness about her toes aside? I was more than happy to add her to my Bachelor Bracket. But being a mean girl never works, Olivia. And since Ben is sort of a sweetheart, he's going to take note.
Early on, it seemed almost silly that Amanda would be so nervous to tell Ben that she had two daughters. But it looks like she might have been right to be a little worried. Luckily, for society in general, Ben accepted the news with an open mind. In fact, he seemed downright excited about getting to know more about her kids, thinking about a family, and even making goofy bracelets for the girls during some downtime. He reacted like any single mom hopes a new fling will react to the news that she comes with some sidekicks — happy to go along for the ride that all of that entails. Maturity is sexy.
... Which is why it's so disappointing to think that Olivia will go there on next week's episode. Nothing is more unattractive than cattiness and saying that Amanda shouldn't be given a rose because she's a mother? Yuck. The more Olivia fights for Ben's attention by relying on negatitivy, the less likely it is that sweet Ben Higgins will want to run away with her. Tread lightly, Olivia. Bringing other women down while fighting for a man is a bad way to go out.
Image: Rick Rowell/ABC; Giphy