Every Stressed Mom Needs To Read Pink's Most Recent Tweet, Because It Will Give You Life
Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough, as to why so many mothers don't give each other breaks. Pink — who is a fierce mother of two on top of being a talented singer, songwriter, dancer, and actress — took to Twitter at 2:30 a.m. Thursday to share an adorable encounter she had with another mother. There's a whole slew of reasons I've got a mom-crush on the "Just Give Me a Reason" singer, and Pink's parenting advice in her latest tweet is only one of them.
I love the woman. She's a dedicated philanthropist and UNICEF ambassador, according to Parenting. In 2015, she told People that her daughter, Willow, "loves being in charge of [donating toys]." She's a feminist normalizing breastfeeding through her social media. "In honor of #nationalbreastfeedingweek2016 I proudly post this photo of a very HEALTHY, NATURAL act between mother and child," she captioned one Instagram post. "Taken in Helsinki by a very supportive and proud Papa." She's even raising her children gender neutral, after her daughter told her she wanted to "marry an African woman," according to The Daily Mail.
The list goes on. Her latest tweet details an encounter she had with another "really sweet Mama" — at the grocery store, no less — that got her seriously thinking about how exhausting and hard motherhood can be. "I wish us mamas could give ourselves and each other a break," she wrote.
It's true: Pink isn't afraid to "fuck up in public." In fact, she used this year's Video Music Awards to deliver a speech about why her daughter should also embrace the person she is. After being awarded the MTV version of the lifetime achievement award, the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard award, according to Entertainment Tonight, Pink stunned the audience with a jaw-dropping performance set to an emotional medley of some of her greatest hits — she transitioned from songs like "Get the Party Started" and "Raise Your Glass" into her single "What About Us." But it was her inspiring speech to and about her daughter shortly thereafter that really hooked the audience.
After accepting the award from Ellen DeGeneres, Pink explained how her daughter told her, "I'm the ugliest girl I know... Yeah, I look like a boy with long hair." Pink said that she kept quiet instead of saying anything. Instead she went home and made a Powerpoint presentation for her daughter. "In that presentation were androgynous rockstars and artists that live their truth, are probably made fun of every day of their life, and carry on, wave their flag, and inspire the rest of us," she said.
It's no wonder that Pink tweeted, "It’s so hard," this morning. What she's doing — defying all norms and raising proud, confident, label-less children in a world that demands we all fit into tiny boxes — has got to be hard.
And it's not the first time Pink has been honest about how exhausting parenting can be. In March, she shared an Instagram photo of her sleeping in a chair holding her son captioned, "Oh my god I'm so tired my soul has a headache but I'm so okay with it so whatever I'm just gonna take this little catnap real quick wake me up in ten seconds."
It's clear that her fans are inspired by her, and some are even with her on parenting journeys of their own. Followers commented kind words like, "Im going thru this right now 7week old @pink you rock," and "I am so there... you got this...we got this xx," and "@pink Days are long, the years are short. Keep on keepin on mama. Right there with ya."
If all parents supported each other, gave each other a break and, like the mother in the grocery store, could gain strength from one another's parenting, we'd put mom shamers to, well, shame.
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