
Six-Pack Mom Is Pregnant Again & She Has A Message For The Haters

by Korey Lane

Online trolls are the worst, that much is fact. It really doesn't matter who you are, you've probably encountered anonymous internet trolls at least once in your life, although many of us deal with them way too regularly. And for women, online bullies are even more persistent. But for anyone who needs a little inspiration for dealing with the haters, look no further. Because pregnant fit mom Sarah Stage is back, and she has a message for the people who shame her. And seriously, she nails it.

Stage made international headlines back in 2015 for maintaining her washboard abs throughout her pregnancy. And now, the mother of 2-year-old James Hunter is pregnant once again, and sharing her joyful journey on her Instagram page which has over 2 million followers. But of course, the fit mom has had to deal with more than her fair share of negative comments and bullying just because she has maintained her toned body while carrying her second child. But seriously, it is never okay to shame anyone for their body, especially when they're consulting with a doctor to ensure everything is safe, as Stage has said she does.

Stage, for her part, seems to be taking the high road regarding the haters. Her response to their unfound criticisms is awesome and everyone could take notes.

After posting the above photo to her Instagram Tuesday, Stage's account was flooded with comments from people making ridiculous and disrespectful comments. So, she decided to upload a video of her doing a workout, baby bump and all. And while her workout routine is nice and all, Stage's caption is what steals the show, here.

Check it out:

Our bodies are truly incredible, and I feel blessed to be able to grow another healthy baby inside of me! I choose to stay positive & I represent anyone who has dealt with doubters, trolls & bullies. It feels great to prove ignorant people wrong & even better to know that all you have to do is believe in yourself and trust your own instincts. With that being said, I hope you have a great day!

She also added that everyone should, "Obviously, check with your doctor first to get cleared to exercise and have protein shake," making sure her followers stay as safe as possible.

And seriously, Stage obviously knows what she's doing, as she literally has a book dedicated to fitness. So back off haters, I'm pretty sure Stage would kick anyone's ass in a face-off, but lets not get violent, OK?

Can't we all just take a note from Ellen DeGeneres and "be kind to one another?"