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Prince Harry Responded So Sweetly When Someone Told Meghan Markle She Looks "Amazing"

by Jen McGuire

Meghan Markle is perhaps one of the world's most visible women at the moment. As the Duchess of Sussex, she's constantly photographed and each of those pictures is scrutinized by millions of people around the world. Not exactly ideal conditions for anyone who might be having even the smallest moment of self-doubt. Everyone has moments when they worry about how they look, perhaps especially after giving birth when your body changes and you sometimes don't feel quite right in your skin. It appears as though Markle is no different, but she has some amazing support. In fact, Prince Harry reportedly reassured Markle about her postpartum body at the WellChild Awards on Tuesday.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex spent Tuesday meeting with honorees and guests at the annual WellChild Awards at the Royal Lancaster Hotel in London, England, according to NBC News. These awards, which Prince Harry has been patron of since 2007, are handed out every year in an effort to shine a light on gravely ill children and the caregivers who go above and beyond to support them.

This week, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were apparently chatting with Emmie Narayn-Nicholas, who was being honored for her Emmie's Kitchen initiative at the event, as well as her mother Eve. Not surprisingly the topic of the couple's 5-month-old son Archie came up in conversation, as Eve told Hello! Magazine, and Eve couldn't help noting to the Duchess of Sussex, "When she sat down I said 'Oh you look amazing and you’ve just had a baby'."

It seems this was exactly what Prince Harry needed to hear so he could pile in with more compliments for his wife, as Eve told Hello! Magazine: "He looked at her and went 'See I told you!' in a way that we would...It did feel like they were very down to earth."

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Ever since Meghan Markle gave birth to Archie on May 5, her postpartum body has been a frequent subject for media outlets. Some have "praised" her for "not hiding her body," as happened when she attended The Lion King premiere in London in July, according to TODAY, cheering her on for looking "real," whatever that means.

While I'm certain those comments are meant as compliments, it could be taken a different way. The reality is that far too many people are discussing her postpartum body, and that alone could be exceptionally intimidating for a woman who just gave birth. Which is why it's so important for Markle (and every new mom) to have consistent love and support from their partner.

Prince Harry clearly adores his wife and child and his devotion was on full display at the WellChild Awards. Whether he was reassuring Markle about her body or getting choked up during a speech about becoming a parent, he is obviously all about showing up for his family.

It's tough enough trying to figure out how to be in the world as a new mom without people making you feel bad about the way you look. And here's hoping every partner is as thoughtful as Prince Harry.