Signs Jay Z Is In The Illuminati Are All Around Us
Did you know that Jay Z rigged this year's Grammys (at least according to conspiracy theorists)? Or that he controls the sports industry? Or soon he'll rise to world domination once his twins are born? The questions seem pretty ridiculous, but the internet's conspiracy theorists are convinced these scenarios prove Jay Z has ties to the Illuminati. After all, signs Jay Z is in the Illuminati are all around us. His hand gestures, Blue Ivy's name, having twins. They're right in front of our eyes. Wake up, people!
Obviously, I'm joking. I don't really believe Jay Z or Beyoncé are in the Illuminati or any secret society for that matter. But the conspiracy theories about the power couple's connection to the clandestine 18th Century group have run amok on the internet for years now. Jay Z used rapper Rick Ross' 2010 track "Free Mason" to squash the rumors, while Beyoncé shut them down during the opening lines of last year's "Formation."
Still, that hasn't stopped the internet crowd from spreading the Illuminati story; in fact, the theories ramped up after Beyoncé announced, in the most spectacular fashion, that she and Jay Z are expecting twins. Here's why, and some other signs that "prove" Jay Z is connected to the Illuminati.
Sign 1: He Will Have Enough Children To Complete The Three Points
People claim that after Jay Z's twins are born, he and Bey will have three children and that will complete the three points of the Illuminati triangle. Of course that means he will rule the world — or something.
Sign 2: Making a Triangle With Your Hands Is The Same As Building A Pyramid
This has been a favorite of conspiracy theorists. Everyone knows that one of Jay Z's signature moves is to put his hands together to make a triangle shape. Of course, people say he is showing his Illuminati ties because it symbolizes the All Seeing Eye pyramid.
Sign 3: Jay Z Named His Daughter Blue Ivy Because... Evil!
Jay Z and Beyoncé's young daughter, Blue Ivy, is ridiculously adorable. But that hasn't stopped the internet crowd from using the girl as fodder for its conspiracy theories. According to people obsessed with the Illuminati, Jay Z named their first daughter "Blue Ivy" as a declaration to his allegiance to Satan. Apparently, "Blue Ivy" is an acronym for "Born Living Under Evil. Illuminati's Very Youngest."
Sign 4: Being In The Illuminati Is Fashionable
Jay Z's clothing line for Rocawear has come under fire because of the logo he uses on the t-shirts. Illuminati theorists claim the images are occult and Freemasonary symbols. Or they could just be shirts.