
Target's New Adaptive Halloween Costumes For Kids In Wheelchairs Are Awesome
Summer is still in full swing, but before you know it the kids will be back in school (praise be) and fall will be upon us. And with it, the most blessed of holidays when neighbors open their doors and throw candy into buckets so that our kids can get all hopped up on sugar right before bedtime. Halloween is many kids' favorite holiday, but for those with physical disabilities and sensory issues, shopping for a costume can be a frustrating experience. Target's new collection of adaptive Halloween costumes is an important positive step the retail giant is making towards providing a more inclusive shopping experience.
Target was the first major retailer to release an adaptive clothing line back in 2017, and others have followed since, including Kohl's, with the three adaptive clothing lines launched earlier this year. With these Halloween costumes, Target is telling — and showing — customers that it recognizes clothing options (from everyday clothes to costumes) should be available for all of the special moments in a kid's life, regardless of their physical abilities.
Adaptive costumes from Target's Hyde and Eek! Boutique™ (props for the clever naming), offer features such as openings in the back for easier dressing and props to dress up a wheelchair, as well as leg openings that are wide enough to put on pants while also wearing shoes. They're also tag-free and have flat seams, catering to those who are sensitive to such textures. If you've never had to worry about these things when dressing your kids, you may not realize the impact they have on families who struggle to find clothing that works with their children's disabilities, but the rise of adaptive clothing from major retailers is a game-changer for those who need it.
This unicorn costume (available for pre-sale ordering) is complete with a shiny horned hood, wings, and a rainbow tail, which can all be removed to accommodate sensitivities. It's designed with a hidden opening in the front pocket for abdominal access — especially helpful for kids who use a feeding tube.
One of the coolest parts about this line is that it also includes wheelchair covers to go along with pirate and princess costumes, creating a complete fairy-tale or swashbuckler look for your little one.
Sold separately from the costume itself, the wheelchair covers are said to fit most sizes of wheelchairs and are attached using hook-and-loop closures, according to Target's website. I mean, how cool are these?!
You can pre-order from the collection on Target's website now, with an estimated ship date of Aug. 22, or shortly thereafter; plenty of time to get it ahead of all the spooky festivities... and probably even enough time for your kid to change their mind about which costume they want, as mine do every. single. year.
Although the collection currently features only four costumes (princess, shark, unicorn, and pirate), I'm hopeful that other retailers will follow suit, and before too long, adaptive Halloween costumes will be as common as bad behavior at school the day after Halloween.