
Target's Light-Up Unicorn Skull Is Magically Macabre & Less Than $20
I am obsessed with Halloween and I start planning months in advance. I make a theme, arrange a party, and get my costume in order. Target is one of the first places I look to for all of my Halloween needs. Not only am I on a budget, but being a mom, Target is basically my second home. Their stuff is always really cute, really affordable, and really closely located to the beer and shaving cream. My favorite items this year are Target's Halloween unicorn skeletons that will be strategically located all over my house as soon as they arrive.
There are two different types of Target's Halloween unicorn skeletons available. One is a unicorn skull that lights up with different colors through the horn, and another is a jolly unicorn skeleton caught mid-trot. They're the most cheerful and magical skeletons that you've ever seen. The skull is pretty big at 11 inches by 12 inches. Coincidentally, it is the perfect size to hide behind a throw pillow on your bed in order to scare the crap out of your husband when they callously throw your favorite pillow on the floor at bedtime. Meanwhile, the trotting undead unicorn is quite petite at 6 inches by 7 inches.
If you happen to have a Ken doll lying around that's missing a head (it happens more often than you think), find that guy a trench coat and a tiny flaming pumpkin, and make him into the Headless Horseman.
It's a tableau. Go with it.
Unicorns aren't the only creature shuffling off the mortal coil and showing off their bones this year. Target's Hide and EEK! Boutique has a ton of cute skeletons available for pre-order, many of which are already sold out. (Whoever bought the last flamingo skeleton is definitely not invited to my Halloween party unless they give it to me as a gift when they arrive.)
Target also has several kinds of dog skeletons, a bone pumpkin, and even a dragon head. Although, a skeletal dragon is really a terrifying thing to anyone who watched the final season of Game of Thrones. It will hit you right in the feels before blowing down your giant wall with freezing blue flames of ice.
Khaleesi's children aside, the reason I love the unicorn skeletons (and the flamingo, dang it), is that they are macabre for sure, but they do not take themselves too seriously. Much of my Halloween decorations can be described as "overtly goth" and even "over the top." Adding something like these unicorn skeletons takes that down a notch. It's a little less carnival side show in the underworld, and a little more "OK, I guess I also have children. I will throw them a bone."
The theme this year for my decorations and party is "Pumpkins and Bones." My daughter and I scoured the dark underbelly of Pinterest, finding the cutest inspiration boards, and it's like Target heard our late night conversations and created this line — and I thought only Siri and Alexa were eavesdropping. Or — and this is more likely — Target's design team has their finger on the pulse of the creative community, and through their research learned that this is where they should go with the Halloween products this year
They really hit the nail on the head.
My only fervent hope is that to go with all of this goodness, Reese's brings back the Peanut Butter Lovers' Reese's Cup, so I can nosh on those while I get my house in peak Hocus Pocus realness. Barring that, I guess I'll just have to pound some candy corn while I position my unicorn skeletons strategically on every surface available. We all have a thing — this is mine.