
This Edible Glitter Turkey Is The Perfect Thanksgiving Dinner For Unicorns

by Abi Berwager Schreier

Everybody knows unicorns are all the rage right now. I’d even venture to say that the unicorn is the official animal (mythical creature?) of 2018. You've heard about unicorn humidifiers, unicorn pool floats, unicorn cakes, and even unicorn glitter ice cream. Because what goes hand in hand with unicorns? Glitter. Lots and lots of glitter. Now Reynolds Wrap is jumping on the glittery bandwagon, too, making all of your unicorn glitter Thanksgiving dreams come true with an Edible Glitter Turkey. That's right, your turkey will be as magical and shimmery as a beautiful unicorn. (Though perhaps you shouldn't imagine you’re eating a unicorn, as that might not be very appetizing.)

Turkicorn? Unurky? Whatever you call it, this fabulous edible glitter turkey from Reynolds Kitchens will shine bright, a perfect predecessor to your unicorn cake and that aforementioned unicorn glitter ice cream for dessert. From the folks who brought you the Flamin’ Hot Cheetos Turkey of 2017, this Edible Glitter Turkey recipe is guaranteed to dazzle your guests like no turkey in the history of turkeys. "Glitter turkey — the other white meat."

Now, it should be noted that the recipe looks a little involved — as in having to mix, bake, crumble, grind, shift, then sprinkle — but it doesn't seem like people are too concerned with that. A lot of folks on Twitter seem to be excited for this magical bird. With some calling it a "giant step for mankind" and "a conversation starter."

Others are a little hesitant, claiming sarcastically, "Because we needed 'millennial thanksgiving glitter-covered turkey' this year... " and so on.

To be honest, I thought it was a little gross and weird myself, because, seriously... do we need glitter everything? (And also, rubbing glitter on poultry seems pretty gnarly and, um, messy to me.) But apparently, yes. Yes, we do need glitter on everything. And it's perfectly fine that you have to rub glitter all over a raw turkey. I suppose the world needs more glitter to liven up all events of every kind, including Thanksgiving dinner.

Also, I think people like to "spice up" traditional Thanksgiving fare, as we saw last year with the Flamin' Hot Cheetos Turkey recipe of 2017.

Even though a BuzzFeed Twitter poll showed that folks weren't digging the spicy, crunchy bird, it still garnered a lot of media attention all over social media, local news channels, and food magazines and websites.

This year, it's out with the spice and in with the glitter. So how do you make this spectacularly sparkly masterpiece? Well, it's not everyday run-of-the-mill glitter you'll be using, which is a good thing: To make the glitter, the Reynolds Kitchens website says you'll need Gum-Tex powder and your choice of food coloring. (They also recommended using a combo of liquid food coloring and liquid pearl sheen so you’ll get the brightest colors. Of course?) Reynolds Kitchens used the method in this YouTube video from “their friends” at Cookies, Cupcakes, and Cardio.

Easy peasy, right? (Sort of.) Now you can have your own beautiful, sparkly turkicorn or unurky to wow your family and friends with this year. Guaranteed. And if not, there's always the old reliable regularly roasted or fried turkey. Or that Flamin' Hot Cheetos recipe. Good luck, and happy Thanksgiving.